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hello everyone! i`m startin over with my page so bear with me as i reconstruct it. thanx =) here`s a pic showing off my big head:
Before you start reading the clever BS i have formulated for your entertainment, i`d like to ask you one simple question that i`d asked myself last nite:
Are you happy?
Some general facts about Silli of the Young Asian Dreaming Angels listed in the form of a convo between me and a loser that`s tryin to pick me up...tell me ladies, is this not the typical convo u have with random guys that r tryin to hit on u???...u men can be so lame at times! Lame-o: What`s ur name, babygirl? My response: u can call me tia if ur special enough to do so, otherwise, my name is Ms. Silli Angel Lame-o: how old r u? My response: ah, one of the first things that guys ask when they approach an attractive young lady, i`ve just turned 19, but if ur an ugly perverted hornbag, i`m only 16 so lay off or i`ll have the cops on ur ash...and by the way, i`m taken Lame-o: what does ur man have to do with me? My response: nothing! i`m gonna be the one to give u a bloody nose if u keep harassing me (hahahaha, ok, i`m done for now, keep coming back for updates)
July 26, 2001. i`d finally fixed my aa page so that the HTML codes will work again. i`m hoping that i`ll be able to fix up my page and have it lookin as good as before. today`s been a boring day--everyday that i don`t see my baby is one that slowly crawls by. anyways, my bf, member name: Stevieboy, askedme to shop around for mattressesso that he won`t have to sleep on the floor when he gets back into town. judging from the prices of everything i saw today, it seems to me that my baby`s gonna to settle for one of those asian straw mats. oh well, i`ve got to go nowand get ready to go to work selling watches and jewelry at Dillard`s. oh, and in case ur wondering, i don`t have a discount so take ur broke butt elsewhere. July 26, 2001. ok, it`s about 10:30 at night. this is a pic of me right b4 i started piggin out on my slightly burnt frozen pizza. feel free to admire me in my urkel-specs, hehe. i know, that was a dumb joke, but get used to it, i tell corny jokes--it`s my thing, it`s what i do best. don`t worry, i think i tell a good joke every once in a while. anyways, i`m chattin with my lil "sis" right now. i think he`s the best play bro any girl can have...ok ok, i quit for now.
My Friends: I love all my friends (message to my close friends: The meaner I am to you, the more I love you!). Hmmm, Alisha is my bestest friend, but we don't keep in touch on a regular basis, so I'm not sure what's up with us anymore. Of course we're still kewl as heck, but I think best friends communicate with one another much more often than we do.