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Mythical's ~ Halloween ~ (Poetic) Dreams

Enter the world of Halloween's Dreams cast by a spell you cannot escape!


Enjoy my pretties ~ enjoy.......

Dream of Halloween

Halloween Night

It's so quiet outside, and the moon is so full It's after midnight, and you decide to go for a stroll. There's a chill in the air, the wind blows cold Dead things are restless, and spirts grow bold.

You quake, you quiver, you are stunned with fear As off in the distance a skeleton does appear.

He rises from the grave, moldy and smelling You hear your own voice, and realize you are yelling.

You gather your wits, and run to the right But with an eerie moan, a ghost comes into sight.

You turn again, trying to escape This time its a ghoul, in a long batwing cape.

A witch on her broom, flys by overhead You fall to your knees, your heart filled with dread.

Your scream echos deadly, you are consumed with fright You should not have come out, poor soul.. It's Halloween NIGHT !

What YOU See Tonight

Black cats and pumpkins on a moonlit night,

guarenteed to give you a fright!

Werewolves a howlin' and skeletons scowlin',

mustn't forget, those monsters out growlin'!

Witches and ghosties fly all round your head,

wouldn't it be nice to be home in your bed?

The pumpkins all carved are coming to life,

They're out tonight causing mischeif and strife.

Bone chilling sounds from just out of view,

there's even a blood curdling scream or two.

Green mists roll in from the dark creepy bog,

not at all similar to regular fog.

Its thick and its smelly, like clamy old fish,

and oh my gosh! Yeck! what was that squish???

That man walking by! He's missing his head!!

why in the world isn't he dead!?!

Oh dear! Oh no! A mummy wrapped tight,

and there goes a vampire with an overbite!

There's goblins and ghouls all passing by,

bat wings and spooky things filling the sky.

Oh the fright! The Terror! The Fear!!!

Halloween Spookies, they're all right here!

The creepies tonight will sure make you swoon,

Out haunting around, under the Halloween Moon.

Cold and Clamy YOU Feel

Here I wander lost and weary

My thoughts becoming dark and dreary

Every sound is very scary

Every shadow something hairy

In my head, or is this all real?

Cold and clamy I sure do feel

All alone here in this dark wood

Oh to be home now, if I could

Something creepy is sure to come

but which dark side will it be from?

I'll sit upon this log to think

My situation sure does stink

What is that! I jump to my feet

My heart nearly missing a beat

I hear a sound from up ahead

Its oh so horrid, I do dread

I know I'm not mistaking this

A moan, a howl and then a hiss

Something creepy to me comes near

I know it now, its not just fear

I would run but where would I go?

In the dark, in woods I do not know

Its helpless, hopeless, I am so lost

This mistake is surely going to cost

With my life I hope not to pay

The thing comes closer this-a-way

I turn around to face my doom

Before my eyes a shape does loom

There is no point to try and flee

It came here looking just for me

With teeth to tear and claws to rend

I know now how I'll meet my end.


Archives Jan 2003 - Mar 2003
Archives Dec 2001 - Jan 2003
Archives July 2001 - Dec 2001
Archives Mar 2001 - July 2001
Halloween 2002
1st Anniversary Edition
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