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Mythical Mayhem - 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY - Edition

Pixie opened the club with the first post, December 20th, 2000 giving a welcome to ALL who would enter Mythical Mayhem. One could say the rest is history but....the club continues. Adventures and characters are being written each moment, days, months and now a year later, Mythical is a energizer bunny. The club that keeps on going ! and going ! and going ! My sincere thank you to Pixie who listened one night of a wish for a club unlike any other with total freedom of imagination. Eppie thought it up but Pixie built it and they came. Thank goodness ! they came.

Arrivals began with Eppie's first post, "Looking around, I find I'm no longer in the realm of reality. I seemed to have arrived in some mythical land with all new surroundings. I am no longer who I knew myself to be once. Now I am seeking to find just who am I ? Many seek who or what they can become at Mayhem. The possibilities are endless !

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One by one we came ~ ~A world like no other ~ Light and dark separate yet one in the same ~~your imagination is your guide ~ for one full year ~ let us now celebrate our Mayhem game ! ~

Lady (Queen) Arielle writes: I know it was sometime in Janurary or beginning Feb that I came to Mythical..but never have I been a place that is so full of imagination and wonderful creators of magic --between the light and dark realms...It's been my pleasure to write and become one with so have a place to escape to when needed that extra something in your life..I created a family in this one..Arielle, her Father Adamus, G-g-g-g(uh) Grandson Seth and his daughter Ashleigh..Don't forget Drake..oh and please the best cook ever..Deidra.. I look forward to the upcoming year with everyone..God Bless..Merry Christmas..and Happy New Year...


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Mayhem - NeWs BuLLeTin

Dec 2nd - Dec 19th, 2001:
As the question of how Eorann came to be with child looms, Mayhem took a interesting twist. Eppie evicted Adrian who stood his ground to revive darkness and added a little chaos! A cloud of dark pixies on the attack. Arielle's treehouse destroyed ! Valente returns but is possessed while Adella, a demon adds additional attack of dark taking over the light realm. It rains Iguana's on the light realm, Trestha's vines attacked and even the good little pixies, Chatters and Starbucks cross-over to join the fun of darkness. Petrus left a diamond ring for Arielle finding when he returned without his darkness (a man like all others) Queen Arielle had given into her darkness and was wreaking havoc on her own realm. It was Ashleigh (Arielle's grandchild) who ram to Gran'Mamma turning Arielle's heart to find her light within. Arielle, Drake and Petrus watch Adrian face Eorann as the lord of the dark is determined darkness will rule til spring.

The Emporer of light was freed from his ice crystal by his warmed heart belonging to Jeannie. Luciana hosted Jeannie and The Emporer at her Aurora Mountain until she followed back to a chaotic realm of light. The Emporer created a new world of light hidden from the chaos for now. Eppie found her way to Jeannie's castle, showing Deidra the kitchen and then giving a unique sword to Petrus to join Arielle in the fight to save the light realm. Winter, the peacemaker and her baby bonnet dragon hang upside down in a net while Crysta finds a potential ally in Valente and Mist rescues children and goes on to meet The Nightmare demon.

Angel as always protecting Eorann while Amanda snapped back into her sack loosing her stone but later free'd and safely joined Angel and Eorann, offering Eorann a bouquet of flowers. Crysta was disgusted but found Jade a fun distraction and potential ally as Serenity a fallen angel with sweet smile but eyes of pure evil watches the pixies gang up on a group of gnomes. Mi-adh laughs at Ice and the bunny that Alia named Stew. They all watch a cloud of dark eyed pixies move over the sky.

Gerard and Pepper enter a maze and a wall turns to flip them on the other side and another exciting adventure! Lecresha watched a crow on a window sill still seeking Cedrick who killed her brother. ryo wanders through the realm encountering one who cares less about this planet than a frog. Astha rescues a lost Emmy and the chaos is growing ! and growing & growing !

Heads Up - Other STuff:

OOps ! Dream was in Arielle's destroyed treehouse leaned back in a chair relaxing, ha! ha ! Hasnt been seen since. Yikes !

Welcome back Valente!

Interesting sword Eppie gave LORD PETRUS and then she secretly thanked Max?


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