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Without Christianity......

"....apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5b

Let's take a look at what would happen if there had been no Christianity across history:
-No B.C. or A.D. time dates: It wouldn't be year 2001, the evolutionists would propose something like year 4,500,256,897.
-We wouldn't have freedom of speech or anything like that because our founding fathers would probably have been atheists instead of Christians.
-America might never have become a country if there had been no "Great Awakening", stressing man's importance and the value God places on humans. The colonists would not have felt important enough to revolt.
-Many popular sayings, such as "Don't cast your pearls before swine", actually came from the Bible as part of Jesus' teachings.
-Many important early inventors were inspired by Christianity to do what they did.

I'll try to get more on here soon.

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