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Evolution's Flaws

"Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or swerve from them. Turn your ear to wisdom and apply your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight, and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowlege of God." Proverbs 4:5; 2:25

Evolution's Flaws

-The sun pushes particles of dust from space (about 100,000 a day) away from the solar system. If the solar system is “billions of years old”; how come there is still billions of particles of dust in space?

-Where are the fossils of creatures between "evolution"?

-How come everything seems so orderly? If the conditions weren't perfect, we wouldn't have life on Earth. The sun is the right size, the moon is the right size to clean the ocean, there is actually land on Earth, the Earth has many more perfect conditions. How could all of that happened by chance?

-If animals “evolved”, why has no animal has ever “evolved” today?

Human Eye
-The human eye will not work without being fully developed. If there was one single flaw it would not work. How could an animal survived without an eye for the “millions of years” it took to “evolve” the eye?


-There isn´t enough soil layers for the Earth to be “millions of years”, Even in a desert soil will build up. But there are barely any soil layers. If the soil fell into the ocean, we would have no ocean because the dirt would cover all the water. The Earth builds up about 1/8 of an inch of soil each year. Now if you use the date that the evolutionists put on the Earth, about 100 million years, you get 2 miles high of dirt! That's 4 times higher than Mount Everest!

Dead Chemicals

-How can life originate from dead chemicals? Evolutionists believe that rain fell on the earth, turning rocks into "soup", which somehow turned into bacteria.


-In DNA A has to go with T, and G has to go with C. The probability of getting a match is 1 out of 4. Already that is 25% chances that DNA could occur by itself. Add 4 to that because you want to see what the chances of both combos´ occurring by chance are. 1 out of 8; about 12%. Now DNA has more than 1 million “rungs”. It would be very favorable to evolution to just use 1 million rungs. 1 out of 8,000,000 chances evolution would occur; about 0.00001%. DNA could not occur by chance.

Body Parts

-Humans do not have as many chromosomes as other animals. Special disruptions in DNA "grow" chromosomes but these happen in 1 out of 100 million children. The children only live about 1 week after their birth when they have this disease.

-“Evolution” of non-vertebrae animals to vertebrae animals.

-“Evolution” of one gender to two. Another thing is that evolution would have to occur twice, because the "evolved" creature would have to have an animal of the same species to mate with.


Many people confuse Micro and Macro evolution.
Micro- proven. Means evolution of animals in a species.
Macro- disproven (as my site shows). Means evolution of animals inside and outside species.