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Beta Mu Chapter History

Of course, everything started with the 10 Founders of our Noble Klan ...

On April 20,1940, the Beta Mu Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. was chartered at LeMoyne-Owen College. John "Pop" Whitaker founded the Beta Mu Chapter, he was also a music instructor at LeMoyne-Owen College.

The history of Beta Mu is filled with 64 years of diversity. This chapter has initiated men from every walk of life and bound them together with a bond that most cannot comprehend. Beta Mu's membership ranges from past Student Government Association Presidents and Vice-Presidents, Senators, Pre-Alunmi Council presidents and members, Resident Assistants to LOC students. Beta Mu's roll call includes businessmen, engineers, computer professionals, entertainers, educators, law enforcement officers, and those working within the realms of government and public service.

Nick Tatum (SP'00) and Atty. Dandridge (SP'41)

"Big Money Beta Mu"- these words bring a wide variety of responses from LOC alumni. Some recall the Nupes' GQ mentality and wardrobe; other remember the parties from "10 p.m. until the last female leaves." Some remember the Nupes' incomparable way with the women; other reminisce about how the Nupes always stuck together through thick and and thin.

While some responses may be less flattering, we the members of Beta Mu have accepted our role as the "Men you can't stand 'cause we're in such great demand." Whether tutoring at the local elementary school or just hanging out under the tree at the Student Center, history has proven that Beta Mu has moved above and beyond. For we are truly the Frat above the others; the smooth, suave Nupes-the best of Brothers.

BM Chapter 64 years of ACHIEVEMENT at LeMoyne-Owen College.

Kongratulations......Beta Mu Chapter is the 1999-2000 Chapter of the year.

Maurice Crayton won Kappa Scholar $1500.00

Untitled Document
BM 2002-2003 Officer's List
Polemarch Bro. Jeff Payno Jr.
Vice - Polemarch Bro. Robert Long
Reporter TBA
Keeper of Records Robert Long
Keeper of Exchequer Robert Long
Strategus TBA
L.T Strategus TBA
Member Intake Chairman Bro. Corey Green
Historian Chairman TBA
Guide Right Chairman TBA
Board of Directors Bro. Brandon Ingram


LOC Acknowledgements

Nicholas Tatum ...Senior Class President
Robert Tate...Vice-President of the Senior Class
Michael Bell...Interim Asst. LeMoyne-Owen College Basketball Coach
Maurice Crayton, Kevin Lindsey, & John Roberson are W.E.B. Dubois scholars

Robert Tate, Nicholas Tatum, Depree Chatman, Walter Burtch, Kevin Lindsey, & John Roberson 2002 graduating seniors!!!.

Board of Directors

Devery Sims

DePree Chatman

Samuel Bachleor

Entertainment Chairman

Devry Sims


Samuel Bachelor

Michael Bell

Maurice Crayton

DePree Chatman

Derrick Craig

Brian Johnson

Kevin Lindsey

John Robertson

Devery Sims

Luther Smith

Robert Tate

Nicholas Tatum



Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity,Inc.

Beta Mu Chapter

807 Walker Ave

P.O.Box #79

Memphis, TN 38126

