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updated on: Wed., February 5, 2003 at 10:55 AM

For any of those who really care I am going to be deleting this web page soon. WHy you ask? So I can finally leave me past behind. This is the 1 way that the people I used to know and care about (who never did me) can find me. And I would rather not be found at all. If they are the people of who I care about still (ie: SAM) then they already have another way of contacting me. So Good bye to all of you! have a great life and be safe!

For my last update on this page I might as well make it juicy! But that ain't gonna happen! ha ha.But I will let you know a few things that are going on. Life is life. Other than that there isn't anything that I want to put on here to update anyone. If you want to hear more about my life then you'll just have to know me!!!!!

Good bye all.