<LAYER id='CUR0' left=350 top=50 width=1 height=2><IMG src='https://www.angelfire.com/tn/thamilan/images/1.gif' width=29 height=24 border=0></LAYER><LAYER id='CUR1' left=370 top=50 width=4 height=5><IMG src='https://www.angelfire.com/tn/thamilan/images/2.gif' width=29 height=24 border=0></LAYER><LAYER id='CUR2' left=390 top=50 width=7 height=8><IMG src='https://www.angelfire.com/tn/thamilan/images/3.gif' width=29 height=24 border=0></LAYER><LAYER id='CUR3' left=410 top=50 width=10 height=11><IMG src='https://www.angelfire.com/tn/thamilan/images/4.gif' width=29 height=24 border=0></LAYER>
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"We took pictures of the native girls, but they weren't developed--so we're going back next year to see how they're coming along."
--Groucho Marx

Instructions Click anywhere in the picture to start a game. The paddle will track the mouse pointer as long as the pointer remains in the picture.

Break out all of the bricks to proceed to the next level. The ball moves faster and the paddle becomes smaller with each successive level.
Notes For the highest frame rate and smoothest animation on PC compatibles, run in Microsoft Internet Explorer. There are other browsers which will work, but they are considerably slower. Sluggish execution will cause jerky motion and frustrating gameplay.

Running CPU-intensive background tasks can also result in poor performance.

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Best experienced with
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Click here to start.

Copyright © 1997 Edward R. Hobbs