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I have included some links here to sites that I hope you will find of some use

Jennifer Wand's homepage This page has a good personal account of how Jennifer survived Depression and gives some excersises for non-sufferers to try in order to gain a fuller understanding of what it is like to live everyday suffering from Depression.

Depression Alliance This is a British organisation which aims to treat people suffering from depression with self help groups operating around Britain. They also run a written advisory service.

The worst things to say to someone who is depressed can be found here in a helpful list. This is compulsory reading for anyone who has to spend a lot of time with a friends or relative who is depressed. You will be suprised at how many of the things that you thought were helpful to say are on this list.

The best things to say to someone who is depressed. Take a look at this list and see what is actually helpful to say.

Peter's Depression Page A very good site with a very comprehensive section on ways to get you through the day.

the samaritans uk homepage!
MIND mental health charity

Homepage Books Poetry
