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For those of you who know me well, you know that my friends are very special to me.
Throughout my life I have tended to pick three or four people to be closest to me.
Those friends stay dear to me for the rest of my life. One of those close friends was James.
He and I met in a college Theater class. We soon found that we actually shared the same circle of friends.
Sam and James were best friends and my roomate Angie knew both of them.
From then on James, Sam, Angie and I were always together.
We've made some amazing memories and lived through some painful things together.
The worst so far being James's death.

The poems here were mostly written during the healing process for me.
It is my hope that you never have to experience such agony.
I doubt that the things here even begin to express how I truely felt.
I also hope that something here touches you and inspires you
to tell those you love exactly how much you care for them.
Regret is a powerful thing and it causes far more pain than you probably realise.
Do not be afraid to tell those you love how much you care about them.
Make them understand it. You will not regret it when the day comes
that you realise you will never see or talk to your friend again.
Take a chance, feel silly or stupid while you tell them but tell them.

  • The Black Cape
  • Choice
  • JSV
  • The Fall
  • Scars

  • ©Mir280 Copyright
    Web graphics provided by: Dragon Zone
    Page Created: 4/1/01