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Welcome to the website of 1997-2000 MCA of the St.Joseph's College.This is a first for us..but we know you'll like it!

Over the past 3 years, we've strived through the good and bad and now it's time to move on, but we'll never forget our friends.This page is for us by us..

We're the best of the best! the smartest, funniest, weirdest, silliest,cutest, sweetest class to ever graduate from St.Joseph's MCA Program and you better believe it!!!

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It's not yet over! If you're still awake - take a look at the Resume's page. Also check out the CurioStall for some interesting articles. And if you aren't an old hand at the Web, you might want to take a look at these other interesting sites around the Web do visit out favourite links.

After taking a look at the page you can say "Cool!" and go see what's on TV, say "The page sucks!" and go make a sandwich,and offer your comments on the feed back page.

For those of you who might want to sue - please note that this is a completely unofficial page about a fictitious college.Any resemblance to a certain college is one hell of a coincidence.

This page is maintained by Jeyaseelan, with help from lots of Josephite's.

Last updated 25 October 2001

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