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Anagrams and Riddles


Ah Cud Duach
Am Nob Mabon
At He'd Death
Belt err I Terrible
Broil her Horrible
Err rot Terror
Etch drew Wretched
Mana Don't I Damnation
Posh steed Despothes
Speak Thy Name, Oh Master Ezelberoth


Tulor's Caverns
Deep green skin with tones of brown, my tongue is long and can stick to the ground. What am I? Frog
Dancing...entrancing...breathing...seething...What am I? Fire
From depths unknown I roll in freely until the Sun catches me, singing. What am I? Fog
Over the under am I placed -- with fanciful colors show good taste. What am I? Pants
At night the come without being fetched and by day they are lost without being stolen. What are they? Stars
I never was, am always to be, no one ever saw me, nor ever will and yet I am the confidence of all who live and breathe on this terrestial ball. Tomorrow
The more you take, the larger I get. The more you give, the smaller I become. What am I? Hole
Give me too little, I waste away. Give me too much, I breath no more. What am I? Water
I have no beginning, I have no end, and in the middle, nothing. What am I? Ring
Snake Pit
If you had a map, you would know where you are, and exactly what to say. Hell


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