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How Syntax Relates

How does syntax (in English) affect semantics?

Meaning could not exist on the phrasal and sentential level without syntax. Consider the following stream of words: Has there my been hours cold three is and coffee for.

This stream of words has absolutely no syntactic structure whatsoever and therefore makes no sense as a whole. Of course single words may hold some semantic value, such as coffee, which has a referential meaning, and hours , which evokes a conceptual meaning of time, etc. However, when trying to make sense of these words in relation to one another, there is none.

If syntactic structure is used to organize the words, EUREKA!! we have sense and meaning. Now consider the stream of words: My coffee has been there for three hours and is cold. WOW!! What a difference syntax makes!!!!

All of a sudden we know:

We can also now semantically infer a number of things: