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Special Mentions Members Deserving Special Mentions

Here are the names of those that I want mentioned on the list of people who played an important role in assisting me during the time I was active in the Sampson WW-2 Navy Veterans Organization:

1. Officers and Members of VFW Post 6433, Waterloo, NY.

2. Ray Shaffer, Clifton Springs, NY (now deceased). Served as Vice President. He was always ready to help. Did a splendid job in helping recruit new members.

3. Bill Guyette, Tunkhannock, PA. Bill served as the Recording Secretary and Treasurer. He is the only charter member who has ever held two different chair positions in our organization.

4. Manola Russell (my wife). She was always there to give assistance in every way she possibly could. She devoted countless months and years of her time in order to help me with the newsletters and other secretarial matters.

5. Diana Fackler, Medina, NY. Diana provided secretarial assistance for a period of several months without any financial compensation before she was hired as the Business Secretary. She later served as Business Secretary/Treasurer. Her professional secretarial services played an important role in maintaining a good communication system within the organization.

6. Norm Gassett, Springfield, VT. Norm served on the Registration Committee for a period of approximately ten (10) years. He was Chairman of that committee for most of that time. He provided services that made our reunions more orderly and pleasurable.

7. Gilbert Miller, Thendara, NY. Gilbert served in several positions. He was most helpful when it came to special events that required the presentation of flags and banners. He had several banners and flags made at his own expense and participated in numerous veterans activities such as the Memorial Day Parade held each year in Waterloo, New York.

8. Tom Forcino, Kingston, NY. Tom played an important role in helping develop a communication system within our organization in the State of New York. He was most helpful when it came to organizing regional membership meetings.

9. Father Frank A. Toste, Sanbornville, NH. Father Toste was appointed as our Chaplain. He conducted interdenominational religious services at each reunion on Sunday as well as Mass for those of the Catholic faith. His contributions made a difference.

10. AClaude O. Yale. Claude is one of the original 48 charter members who was always ready to help. He is also the only charter member on the Executive Board.

11. Eugene O'Connor, New Jersey. Gene served as the State Director for New Jersey. He also helped me collect information for History and Research purposes. He was always nice to work with.

NOTE: I want to thank Alicia Fackler for her assistance in helping make this web page possible.

William R. Russell
Founder and Former President
9/12/87 - 11/1/95