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Leigh Anne's Page!!

Some links...

East Tennessee State University Bands
Angela's Flute Page!
Paul Covey Oboes
Oboe Stuff
Crash Override's Page
Mitch's page

Music Banner
Princess.....© 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.

Hello! For any of you who don't know me, I'm Leigh Anne, and I love oboe!! I also love e-mail, so if you're bored enough to be here, please e-mail me, or at least sign the guestbook, 'k? =) And the e-mail address at the bottom of the page is wrong now, but I haven't figured out how to change it, so here's the right one:

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by Guestworld View My Guestbook

Thanks to all of you who signed that! I don't know how long it's going to take me to get this page rewritten, but I'll try and keep working on it, so bear with me, 'k? I've already written it 3 times, so this'll be the 4th. The computer better not erase it again!! You have to admit, it's kinda frustrating! Anyway, I'm sorry, but it'll take awhile to kinda get caught up on everything that should be on here.

Ok, I guess a good place to start is to say good luck to everybody who's trying out for All-East, All-State, ETSU Honor Band Festival, etc. I hope to see you there!! And, Lisa, Seth, Jeffrey, etc., it's Blue Band and All-State this year!! Along w/ the other not quite graduated GSFTA peoples, of course!

Second, since several of the people who would be here are graduating soon, if you're thinking about majoring in music, please do!! And if you want a chance to sit in on a reheasal w/ the ETSU Wind Ensemble, either go to the ETSU Bands web page that there's a link to above, or e-mail me at and I'll give you the band director's e-mail address and/or phone number. you get to sit between 1st and 2nd chairs and play the music along w/ the group. It's a lot of fun! We're playing some really good music right now!

Well, I guess I don't have much else to say, and I'll try and finish this page later, but I'm also in charge of keeping up the ETSU Bands page, so I'm spending more time on that right now because it's still under construction. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions for the page, questions or comments about the page or me, if you don't have anything better to do, or if you do have something better to do! You kinda starting to get the general idea there? Sorry. Anyway, the general point there was e-mail me please!! And if I haven't e-mailed you recently, I promise I'll try! I've just been spending all my nonexistent free time practicing and making reeds lately, and haven't had any time for writing! But I always have to have time for my oboe! Sorry! I'm such a slacker! =P Anyway, I'll talk to everybody later, 'k? And if you're looking for something to do, try the links at the top of the page! There are some good sites in there! =) Bye! Oh, Lisa, I almost forgot! "I looooove my fri-ends!" Bye again!
