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Rednecks Web Page

Hi,I'm Steve an avid hunter that enjoys the outdoors as much as the next man.I live in the Middle Tennessee area.Hunting is one of my most favored past times.I could sit in the woods all day and not kill a thing' and I would still be happy,but, I much more prefer to come out with a nice trophy buck, which I have not yet done.But,I'm working on it. I shot a nice eight point buck a few years back(96) but I could not track him down.I recently took a shot on a doe and managed to miss her.I should have made sure I had a clear shooting alley but,neglect is not an excuse now is it? So,therefore I still await that big day that I get to bring the big one home with me. I also like a variety of weapons from knives to bows and guns,crossbows,blowguns I hope my kids will take the same interests as I have. Well I hope you enjoy my web site. Please e-mail me on tips and ideas,and if you have a story you would like posted send it and a picture and I'll post it on my site thanks and enjoy,

I will update this web site as often as

possible so make it a point to come back

and check it out.

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coming soon my favorite links pics and more.

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Tasty recipes

Jerky Recipe

Delicious Stew

These are a few of my choice photos of some nice bucks

This big buck seems to know he's being watched.

This one could be a dream come true."A beautiful buck in the wide open waiting for you to raise your rifle.

If you have any ideas or comments to add to my site please email me and let me know I'm interested in your thoughts .

Here is a few of my favorite web sites

gun manufacturers links
Redneck jokes
Regional info
Public hunting
Wild Cookin
Hunting Links
Tink's scents
