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Shadows Island Of Love

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Dragon Slayer
In the mist and dark of night
awaits a beast I have to fight
In the silence of his lare
He awaits my soul to snare
And if we rage this battle this night
Odds are on the beast to my plight
And war we will as is said
untill the victor raise his head
And silence falls as the only tone
and the victor stands alone
His job is done when silence falls
and now only lonliness calls
A dragon itself that cannot die
An awesome force not seen with the eye
But felt with the heart,and no hand can touch
An invincable thing that destroys so much
His sword and sheild cannot conquer this beast
For upon his heart and soul it's apetite does feast
With all his valor he cannot kill his foe
For it lives within and spreads it woe
For only the love of a fair maidens heart
can kill the beast that tears him apart
Franklin "Lee" Mallory
The Lady Sonia
There beyond the battle ground
I look there all around
and I see you dressed in satin white
looking for your noble knight
and upon my crest I wear so proud
my ladys own silken shroud
for her honor do I defend
and slay my foe whom was my freind
and lay aside his loathsome life
who tried to end our love by his knife
to my lady I raise my hand in sight
and beccon her to come to her knight
for love for her so strong
without her sweet sweet song
I would lay my sword to my own side
for without her I would have no pride
and would lay here in my own blood
and die here in midst of this red mud
for my ladys love is my life
without her love I would end this with my own knife
Franklin Lee Mallory
Copyright(c)November 26,1998 All Rights Reserved By Franklin L Mallory
The Shadow
he lives between reality and not
and revels in his worldly lot
and writes that which he can feel
and dances with shadows of that which is real
for only he controls this world he sees
and here he escapes when reality puts him on his knees
for it is he who seeks that he longs for most
the one thing that escapes him like a howlsome ghost
some simple comfort in a womans arms
and simple company of words and charms
in his world of blacks and greys
he fights his lonliness that stays
and that he will find what he wants
and rid himself of the lonliness that haunts
he looks forward to a brighter day
when there will be color to his blacks and gray
a time when he can no longer hide
in this state to protect his pride
and walk into the sunlight and smile
basking in its warm delight for awhile
to live in love and out in sight
and no longer hide in the darkness of night
Franklin "Lee" Mallory
I am the Shadow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Reality is a fine thin veil that only the insane can see threw"Franklin Lee Mallory
I am Franklin Lee Mallory the proud father of two children Daniel And Christina though they are now grown and very much independant in their ways they are still the light that guides me,I'll love them always.Also i must not forget Tristan my grandson and my daughter-in -law christine for they are my light within.I am 39 divorced and enjoying the meriments of single life again after 18 years of marriage.After my separation I found myself severly depressed with no outlet for the overwhelming emotions that tormented my thoughts and my daily life .One evening I sat staring at an empty sheet of paper and I began to write,this poem.
We can never be as one again
although as one we might never have been
but as memorys come now and then
they remind of how good it has been
mixed both good and bad
they remind us of what we had
and until death doth truly part
and free that love of one heart
we will remain so intertwined
by those memories that bind
and until that day when life realeases its tether
we will remember our lifes together
and in the light of that setting sun
as night falls there will remain one
to still remeber the days we had
of all the times both good and bad
and in the end at the setting sun
peace will then come,as love will die with only one
Franklin "Lee" Mallory
This I dedicate to all those who have loved.
Once upon a feild of Flowers
Amongst the land of castle towers
flowed feilds of delicate flowers
tapestrys of wilds,whites ,reds,blues, and pink
Once bloody battlefeilds, quite beutiful now i think
Amoung these flowers of the wild
played and ran a most beautiful child
Once sounds of battles here rage
Now a childs laughter rise from the sage
No more fear lay on the plain
No more suffering,No more pain
Only the sweet voice of a child so dear
Come softly over the meadow to her fathers ear
From my ancestors rang their battle swords
Their blood spilled here following their Lords
But alas no more are their battle crys
Only my little girl and a fathers sighs
Franklin Lee Mallory
To my daughter with love.
If you would like to see more of my poetry or purchase a copy of my book of poetry tittled "Life, Love, Lust and the folks next door," It is available at the link below.Please enjoy Thank you for visiting my island on the internet,Franklin Lee Mallory.
In twilights last glimmer
As I lay and say good bye
let not a tear shed my eye
let me go in silence
not in fight or defense
but smiling into the night
for all the happiness is my light
of smiling faces as I take flight
and in this world let all be right
for memories do I take into the unknown
a full lifetime my album has grown
of happy times enjoying life
so take my death not in strife
but light a candle as I go and remember my light
as I slowly go into the eternal night
and when I am gone shed not a tear
just remember all that I held dear
and remember it all as I have done
because we may meet again my son
Franklin "Lee" Mallory
To my son and his family may our memory go on.
Copyright(c)1998 all rights belong to Franklin Lee Mallory

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My hopes

  • peace ,hope,and goodwill to mankind on his road to true wisdom
  • beauty for all to see threw art and literature and above all else nature and the human spirit
  • In love and kindness we search together for a brighter tomorrow
  • the Greatest gift is that given of ones self threw actions">

Shadows Islands of links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
My E-book of Poetry life, love, lust ,and the folks next door
Electric Works PuBlishing great e-books library
Alphabitsoup an online store with books,cds,and great movies
My daughters wav page lots of wavs
A Beutiful page of poetry by my dearest Anna
Aces Trading Post an online flea market
A beautiful sunset for you my visitors
The poetry page with links to other poets pages
