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Lake County, Tennessee

Lake County is rich in Woodland and Mississippian sites. Around 1600 the natives all but vanished from the area. Most sites that you find in Lake Co. are filled with pieces of pottery and loaded with birdpoints. Lake county gets it's name from Reelfoot Lake, which was named after a legendary Chickasaw Chief. The LEGEND OF REELFOOT is fiction, but an interesting story.

The points above are true arrowheads (a.k.a. birdpoints). The bow was not used by the Native Americans until the Woodland period (3000-1300 years before present or BP) through the Mississippian Period.(1300-400 BP)

I found the birdpoints on a new site L19 on 2/6/99. The large Pickwick came from site L14.

Kevin and I found a new site at L12 on 5/31/98. The top point is a Bakers Creek, the point on the left is an Adena, the point on the right a Bakers Creek, and the bottom point/drill is unknown.

I found these bird points on a Woodland/Mississippian site L7 on 5/16/98.

The top two Adena points came from a new site L11. The large birdpoint came from site L1. The small birdpoint came from site O6. All were found 5/01/98.

I found this really ugly point and 3 thumb scrapers 4/17/98 on site L1. Don't say they just look like rocks, you will hurt my feelings! This is the first stuff I found since 3/25! Almost a month!!! The point is crude but is whole. You can't tell from the picture but the thumb scrapers are actually nicely worked.

Went to site L7 on 3/7/98 and found from left to right: a clay bead (there is a hole all of the way through it), a very small and ugly birdpoint and a microdrill. Not a very productive day.