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Dark Side of the Web: Dark, Gothic, and Vampire Chat Rooms

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Jello, as u may see I have gotten into some really creepy stuff ,but I have to admit that I luv it and it excites me ,so much just to get to be a member of this Dark Side. The Dark Side is not as bad as u may think ,but it is very addictive. Some may call this room the Dark Side ,but others who are very unwilling to enter into this room call it a Dark Room!!! The one that you see on TV that plainly tells u to not enter into ,but as u may see I already have and I like it alot. I think everyone would like it at some point of there life ,but right now I know is the point that I like it! I'm trying to get everyone I know to join into at least one of these chats ,but if you think it's not right for you then please do NOT enter into a chat ,because all you would do is make everyone else misrebel with you just sitting around the room! So, there for only go into the room if u think u will feel comfortable and relaxed in it. And I mean there's nothing wrong with going into a room just to see if u can fit in. The only wrong thing is is when ppl walk into a room and just sit there and not say a word.

Creepyness doesn't really scare me! There is nothing that scares me as much as these things I have listed below:

1. Elmo
2. Barney
3. Baby Bop
4. BJ
5. Marilyn Manson
6. Rebel Flags
7. School
9. People
10. Allardt Elem. School
11. The word "SHHHHHHHHH"
12. The phrase "Turn down the damn sterio"

When I hear these words ,especially Barney, my ears shater with pain! I dunno why either. It's all so weird. I mean I can just be sitting with some of my friends and they will mention Barney and I will go into shock from the word.!.!. Does anyone else ever have them shox? If so please E-mail me and tell me what words shaters your ears!

But at times there are things that I hear that makes me feel like I'm in Heaven...I dunno it's sorta like the above except when I hear these shox they don't hurt my ears ...I dunno they me feel high. It's extremly kewl...if u have these experiences then you should know what they feel like. And listed below is some of the things that help me feel like I'm in Heaven.

2. Guys
3. Violence
4. The Internet
5. Fire
7. Beavis and Butthead


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