Dance to heal Mother Earth

Dec. 22nd. 1999 and anytime she needs our help.

I wish to invite you and your friends to join with us in a dance to heal Mother Earth and restore the well being of all of her children. Also to return the two-legged to our rightful place as part of her children. This will be a dance based upon the Ghost Dance and other sacred dances, to be held not only on Refuge, which is the property my wife and I are keepers of but hopefully in every nation upon Mother. The music should be a slow steady heartbeat. The dance step is step down with the toe on the first beat of the heart and lower the heal with the second beat danced in a stately clockwise circle. If you need, you may rest for ten. minutes each hour, the intent of the dance will carry on. I will be dancing with you, because I will start my own dancing at sunrise New Zealnd time and dance for 24 hours, that all of the dances may be connected. The prayers and chants are for mankind to return to connection with nature. The purpose is to restore Mother and all of her children. Each of you will create your own chants and prayers for this purpose. The dance floor is a Medicine Wheel consisting of five stones which have agreed to serve this purpose. (See my Medicine Wheel page) Any drum or rattle may serve to mark the beat. Opening will be a giving of thanks to Grandfather Sun at sunrise, for the light, heat and energy which allows life upon Mother. Then a prayer to the Great Mystery (Creator) by the dance leader or eldest participant that this dance may bring man into oneness with all of his relations. Then the dancers to the drum beat, spiral one at a time to the center and back to the rim of the wheel, giving their own prayers and chants as they do. They may give Mother Earth a gift of herbs, seeds, tobacco, cornmeal or what they think will help her during the dance. When the sun's rim touches the western horizon, they should spiral in, give thanks for being part of this healing dance and one by one spiral out. The dance leader or elder shall again give thinks to the Great Mystery for all who joined in. (Those who cannot dance may send their prayers to the dancers during this day) Then the dancers and drummers shall join in a potlatch (thanksgiving meal) to share the dreams and visions given this day.

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