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White Wolf's Medicine Page

Herbal Medicine Kit


A lot of information is available concerning using herbs. To a lesser extent you can find information on preparation. Very little talks about growing your own. As far as how much to use, except for the labels on commercial formulations, which is based on a 150 lb. Adult, little too nothing.

Because you will probably want to start using the information right away, we will cover dosage first. These are what I start with, though as with everything, each individual will have to find the optimum dosage for them. Also discontinue any herb where allergic reactions occur.

Each herb will have it’s own dosage recommendation, though except for very few herbs, you need to double the dosage if you are using fresh herbs from your garden or pot. Please do not exceed recommended dosage except in an emergency, while trying to stabilize a medical crisis and medical help is not available.

First Aid Kit recommended contents.

Be sure not to get this into open wounds


If you would like to learn more about  self-care contact me and I'll add items or you might join my online class. If you have a specific problem I will recommend herbs to use, but check with your doctor as I try to cooperate with them as much as they allow, then I forget they are supposed to be professional. When they tell you a herb is dangerous ask them what the side affects are of the treatment they are using, and the side affects of the herb.


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