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Flower Essence Orders and More

healthy new age

If you would like to order the SunMoon Essence sets or my WaterTree Process or gemstone essences, you may do so on this page.

Please note that all costs listed for postage are for US delivery only. If you live outside the US, please email me first for postage costs and I'll send you a link to pay. To pay for items by online check or credit card through Paypal, the simple send money option from within your paypal member area, sending the money to Ask a Healer Admin.howell @ Be sure to email me here with complete details of what you ordered, and to verify your shipping address.

Note: I used to offer a paypal shopping cart but it kept adding shipping to every set ordered, rather than by weight. When I tried to change it, the link stopped adding shipping altogether and I never could get it set correctly so this seemed the best way to make sure you wouldn't be overcharged and I won't be underpaid because you'll be sending the money to me yourself. However, if you have problems using the Send Money option, just let me know what you want to order and I'll send you an invoice for the total.
Pay by Mail: To pay for your order by regular mail, send payment to: N. J. Howell, 1138 County Road 131, Bryant, AL 35958. Remember to add $4.30 postage, up to three items and an additionL $1.20 for up to 3 additional sets, if ordered

Add $4.30 for up to three sets, postage and $1.20 per set after three
US Delivery ONLY
Email first if ordering in quantity
or if ordering outside the United States.

Official PayPal Seal

Gemstone Essences

  • Crystal Catalyst: $9
  • HeartFire: $9

  • Crystal Catalyst and HeartFire (save $2): $16

    Flower Essences, Sets and Individual

  • Flower Essence set: $48

  • The WaterTree Process Set: $45

  • The Trauma Recovery Essence Set: $32

    Totem Essence Sets and Individual

  • Totem Essence, Individual: $9

  • Totem Essence set: $48

    Reiki Classes

  • Reiki One Class: $125

  • Reiki Two Class: $125

  • Reiki Master Class: $350

  • New Healer Orientation Workshop: $50*
    *Only taught in conjunction with classes, not offered otherwise