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Digestive Enzyme Supplementation
The Powerful Health Benefits

open letter to monsanto, dupont, sygenta > Schwab

Supplementing with digestive enzymes can help improve digestion, reduce toxicity in the intestines and colon, and thereby improve elimination and reduce constipation. Everything we eat needs enzymes to not only digest foods into nutrients, vitamins and minerals, but to also deliver these nutrients to the cells. Food enzymes exist naturally in raw food, but when food is cooked, the high temperature of cooking destroys their natural enzymes. Even if we choose raw foods, the enzymes available are only adequate for digestion of that raw food alone. Anything added that is cooked needs more enzymes than what will be viable from just the raw food in a combo situation.

It is also true that our body makes digestive enzymes whose role it is to digest the cooked food that we eat. However, we cannot assume every digestive system functions at its peak all the time, nor are our food choices ideal 100% of the time. Overconsumption of processed or fast foods or even living a stressful lifestyle puts a greater demand on our digestive systems. Furthermore, the more we depend on our internally-produced digestive enzymes, the more stress we put on our body's systems and organs and the less time these systems have for rebuilding worn out, damaged cells and tissue and keeping our immune system strong.

Research shows that as we age, we lose the ability to produce enough digestive enzymes to help with complete digestion, which may be why many sufferers of constipation are older. And when toxicity builds up in our colon, this can put stress on other systems and hinder their ability to create the enzymes necessary for complete digestion. Enzymes play a key role in not just digestion, but also healthy elimination, and keeping the body toxin-free is important for good health. Very simply, the colon is the sewage system of the body. If we do not keep it as healthy and free of disease as possible, our major organs and glands can become seriously compromised. The best of diets can be no better than the worst if the sewage system is clogged with a collection of waste.

So what are some easy steps to help keep your colon clear of toxic debris, improve digestion and also to alleviate constipation?

  • Eat foods high in fiber such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Reduce intake of refined and processed foods that have no natural fiber.
  • Drink plenty of water to help add fluid to the colon and make stools easier to pass.
  • Supplement with plant digestive enzymes which include a blend of proteases, amylases, and lipases to help improve overall digestion.

  • Two recommended enzyme formulations:


  • To maintain healthy bacteria in the colon, take natural probiotics, such as Plantadophilus, to help maintain a healthy colon pH and prevent harmful bacteria growth in the intestines.

  • If you suffer from peptic ulcers, gastric upset, gout or bleeding ulcers, take a moment to read about GastroZyme.

  • Purezyme, a personal favorite - I love this formula, above all others carried by Enzyme Essentials. I use PureZyme at times when I might feel a cold or flu coming on and I also use it just as a health maintenance tool, due to the mega-doses of protease in this formula. Take a moment to read about PureZyme and consider adding it to your first aid kit at home.

  • Learn more about PureZyme here

    Digestive Enzymes Information

    Enzyme Deficiency
    - An enzyme deficiency can manifest itself as a variety of conditions. Presented here is a brief look at causes and symptoms.