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Welcome to L00NIWORLD!!!!! I know it sounds strange, but I like that. It mainly comes from the fact that I like, no I LOVE cartoons. More about that later. Let me tell you about myself. I'm Erica M. Wilson, born in May of 1976 ( RULE!!!) I'm from Memphis, Tennessee. I graduated from Central High School (Go Warriors!) in 1994. I'm a member of Friendship Baptist Church. My Pastor was Rev. W.A. Suggs. It's now Pastor Walter J. Green. I am a graduate of Middle Tennessee State University, c/o 2001. I have a Bachelor's of Music with a concentration in Music Industry. I have one brother Victor and two parents Lonnie and Elouise. I had an arthritis stricken german shepard named Cherlock, but she died July 1999. My dad was an art teacher with the Memphis City School System but retired in June 2001. My mom works for the church.
I mentioned our church home, Friendship Baptist Church. It's a very important place to me. I was baptized there at the age of 8. I was a member of the Jean Blackwell Singers, the Audio Committee and the Drama Club. Now I'm the Assistant Director of the Youth Department, the co-director of our Vacation Bible School, I server on the Music Committee and I dance with the Agape Praise Dancers (pictures coming soon of us.) My famliy is pretty active in the church. Dad is a deacon and chairman of the deacon board. Mom is on the finance committee. My brother was in the same stuff I was in. We have someone in every organization of our church except for the Usher board, and Ministerial staff (due to my cousin's death in 1994).My grandmother used to be the director of the Saturday Morning Bible Study Group until she died in May 2001. My church is a very supporting church, especially of college students. We have a scholarship fund and a great number of students in school at the moment.
Back to my degree. I've always wanted to be a record producer. When I heard Quincy Jones' "Back on the Block" album when I was in the 7th grade, my fate was decided. Everything I heard on that album seemes so amazing to me. Just listening to the lyrics and the music made me want to try it. I changed my focus about my junior year from record producing to Artist Management and A&R. It was TLC having to file for bankruptcy that made me want to help artists understand the music industry a lot better. I learned piano at an early age, but I never really got my full training until I came to college. My major instrument was the clarinet. I started in beginning band. And yes, I was band nerd selling those imfamous M&M candies. I guess it wasn't so bad....I did pay for quite a few band trips that way. I did inherit my parents musical ability. Dad sings and used to play guitar. Mom used to play the piano (when she was pregnat with me) and the viola in high school. So here I am with my musical ability for all it's worth. I listen to a lot of music so I can keep up with the trends. It will make it easier to decide the most popular and easiest genre of music to enter when I get out of here.
Well, take a look at the rest of the page and learn some more about me.

Delta Omicron Page

My Resume

My Favorite Things

My Cartoon Page

Places to visit

My Receipe Page

My pictures

More pictures....famous people on this one

My poetry Directory

More poetry

My Jesus page

Place you John Hancock here

My Favorite Things that I like to do
