psychotic episode

insane & crazy after 4 quarts
of t-bird and 18 dime beers at
the hickam beer garden i went on
a rant smashed my way across
the parking lot with
fire extinguisher liberated from
a barracks burglarized
smashed cars terrorized everybody
in the hawaiian night
into the main terminal 
so much fun bashing things &
shooting bird colonels with the
icy spray from 
ray gun until the loads of APs came
cornered me in a broom closet
held out like custer until 
ammo expended & then crash
aswarm under a sea of blue uniforms
beaten & stomped to a pulp
taken to the provost marshal
big dude sitting behind his podium
and figured to make a new doorway
ran into the wall & buried head
to the shoulders in drywall
beaten stomped & bound to a litter
taken to the dispensary
faked unconsciousness to get
some slack in the restraints 
& then tried to choke the asiatic doctor
who bent to see if alive
or dead more beating & loaded
in the meatwagon taken to little
tripler neuropsychiatric
sadistic escort twisting leg 
on the way but i smile & say
you puny weak motherfucker can't
you even break it
at the nuthouse tossed into a room
told to change into PJs & cloth
shoes & did so
then noticed glass door leading to
outside  found it was not locked
freedom on the parking lot but
no keys in
the cars to escape in reality
headed across road clad in my
nuthouse duds up the hill to
military housing unit on hill
light on porch in back  ease
up hear footsteps & slip back into
shadows attractive young woman in 
slip comes onto porch and begins
putting childrens toys in
a box
slip back up to screen
make worst battle face and scream
smashing screen frame & she
flees screaming JEFF JEFF JEFF
at the top of her lungs &
run and dive in ditch on slope
behind building & soon light
around corner flashlight held
beneath pistol as jeff scans yard
for intruder maniac 
see light arcing in sweep that
will reveal position there
face down in the weeds 
bury face and feel more
than see the light pass over 
jeff no doubt fearful looking out
corner of eye for surprise attack
& misses nutcase in weeds
then the roar of two big canvas
back truck offload 
platoon of armed men 
they fan out and start
up rise with weapons at the ready
fear sudden swarm of lead bees
from hinky searchers for psycho
jump up suddenly clasp hand on 
head & yell surrender loudly
in the lilac hawaii night
aswarm again down under gun
butts and boots although offer
no resistance beaten to pulp
finally merciful darkness

awoke three days later in white
room strapped to baby bed affair
drips running in arm think 
is this heaven or hell 
black orderly in starchy white
uniform comes
i ask where 
am i & he says man don't you
remember what you did
you're in a world of shit
shrink later told me 
impossible to survive with
blood alcohol 
but somehow did by miracle
as it turned out world of
shit not too heavy
it was laid to a 
psychotic episode 
brought on by too
much juice 
was eventually
sent back to duty station 
to help keep america 
free & safe
from all enemies
including lunatics &
crazy people