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Mom's, Do There Best

Mom you always said: "I'd pay for my raising", How right you were, I see my son doing things I did. Yea, He's just like me, thinks he's gotta be like the rest.

Mom you always said: "I'd understand when I became a parent", How right you were, I understand exactly what you meant. I always knew you were doing things for my on good. But as a child I needed to learn on my own.

Mom you always said: "Do as you say do, not as you do", How right you were, two wrongs sure don't make it right. Yea, I've told my children that a few times to.

Mom you always said: "I'm doing the best I can, raising you children", How right you were, I think you did a great job. Yea, I look back and see , just how hard it is being a single parent.

Mom you always said: "you weren't perfect", How right you were, none of us are perfect. but, I see now, we try to be, all we want is the best for our children .

Mom you always said: "I try to give you the things I never had", but as children, we always want more, why's that. I give my children the best I can, but they're never satisfied.

Mom do you remember, the night that someone called you at 2:00 am, and told you, "your son is dead on the side of the highway. Yes, I sure do remember it well, that's the night something told my brother to get out of that car. He had a guardian angel waching over him.

Mom do you remember, the night you caught me drinking, I see now the hurt and pain I put you through. Yea, my son, put me through it to, and I thought about the night you got the call.

Mom, I sure hope that angel is watching over my son. I see how you felt, I understand now, why you were the way you were, you thought the next time he might not be so lucky and would end up dead like his other friends.

Mom, I see now, all the worry you went through, when we weren't home. I do the same now. I worry from the time they leave till they get back home.

Mom, thanks for all you've done for me, I'm not perfect, but I've grown up.

~ Jill Moody~

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