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Big Boys Don't Cry

There was one lesson that he really learned
When he was just a little guy.
No matter how many scars you earned
Big boys never cry.

He grew up acting so brave
Never allowed to show his pain.
And if he slipped just a little bit
He was made to feel ashamed.

Feelings were something that guys didn't show.
If someone caused you hurt you never let them know.
You kept it to yourself and never shed a tear.
And emotons just kept building year after year.

And you never spoke of caring.Never showed a sign.
If you even thought about it you kept it in your mind.
Your dad had told you this and dad would never lie.
He said"No matter what big boys don't cry."

But the day came when you questioned what you knew.
The one you cared about was giving up on you.
So long she had tried but was now saying goodby.
Although your heart was breaking,"Big boys don't cry."

He remembered all the skinned knees and tears he
he couldn't shed.
How sad he felt the day his brother broke his new sled.
He remembered the feelings when he had to say goodby.
And his father telling him,"Big boys never cry."

And suddenly the dam burst and tears began to flow,
Remembering all the things now that had hurt him so.
His sweetheart took his hand and looked him in the eyes,
And said"You see my love,big boys do cry."

It dosen't make you a lesser man.
In fact it makes you more.
All I ask is that you share with me.
Dont be like you were before.
I know your dad never meant to lie.
But he was wrong.Big boys do cry.

by Lucille Bryant

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