Planet - K (pt.2)


Source List & Abbreviations

A jungle planet covered with kilometers-high wroshyr trees, Kashyyyk is the homeworld of the fierce but loyal Wookiees. Various ecosystems exist along each layer of the trees, with each level growing progressively more deadly the farther one travels to the planet's surface (dangerous webweavers, for instance, set traps in the lower levels). The Wookiees inhabit the highest levels in huge cities that are naturally supported by the thick tree branches, since wroshyr branches grow together when they meet. One such city, Rwookrrorro, is over a kilometer wide and built on a flat platform of meter-thick spongy material. It features two- to three-story buildings and a landing platform made from the stump of a wide limb. The most prestigious homes are built on the trees themselves, and nursery rings for young Wookiees are built in the tops of the very highest wroshyrs. The kshyy vines that grow among the trees cannot be cut with blasters and are strong enough to support liftcars. Wookiees have easily incorporated modern technology into their society and can accommodate visiting starships, though they sometimes prefer to use archaic items like their traditional quarrel-firing bowcaster. Colored searchlights in the cities help attract native birds called kroyies, a prize food. Customs of the Wookiee people include the "life debt," where Wookiees feel they must repay the person who has saved their life, and the "honor family," or those people to whom a Wookiee feels a particular bond of friendship. Wookiee adolescents undergo a dangerous rite of passage into adulthood by harvesting silky strands from the heart of the carnivorous syren plant. The Wookiee species was treated as slave labor by the Empire and many were forced to toil on various Imperial construction projects. Many Wookiees still resent humans for the actions of the Empire. Leia Organa Solo hid on Kashyyyk until discovered by a team of Noghri commandos, who made an unsuccessful attempt to capture her. [HTTE, SWS, HSLL, YJK]
Kathol sector
Jacc Maldelbrot, owner of the Royal Casino in Bespin's Cloud City, began his career as a textile worker in the remote Kathol sector. [GG2]
The possible homeworld of the alien Kauronians. The bounty hunter Greedo observed a Kauronian bounty hunter during Greedo's first visit to the Mos Eisley Cantina. [TFTC]
Located in the Anarid Cluster, Kelada is an industrial planet (home to a major Arakyd factory) that supplies the Empire with repulsorlift components and parts for Imperial walkers. Recent increases in Alliance activity have resulted in the Empire struggling to maintain control of Kelada, and they have diverted ten Star Destroyers to the system to cement their hold after the disastrous Battle of Endor. Once, Kelada kept an ecological balance between industry and the environment, but the balance is now threatened as forests and savannas are cleared to support greater production. An industrial wasteland is growing just outside the Kelada starport. The starport contains the popular tavern Lorana's Labyrinth, which features mirrored walls and a mazelike bar. The smu ggler Dirk Harkness' companion Chessa was tragically killed by Imperial stormtroopers in the Kelada starport. [SWAJ]
Kelavine system
The Kelavine system, located in the Expansion Region far from any trade lanes, contains the gas giant Taloraan as its largest planet. After the Battle of Hoth, Alliance operatives were sent to search for tibanna gas deposits on gas giant planets in the Lequabis, K'taktaxka, Poviduze, and Kelavine systems and the Shasfath Cluster. [SWAJ]
Site of the Kelrodo-Ai gelatin mines, famous for their water sculptures and formerly operated by Baron- Administrator Drom Guldi. Guldi and his aide were killed by Wampa ice creatures while on a hunting expedition to Hoth, eight years after the Battle of Endor. [DS]
Keller's Void
Named for the trader who first discovered it, Keller's Void is an empty region of space that serves as a hyperspace shortcut between the Calus and Wroona systems. Occasionally pirates have been known to bring asteroids from the nearby Udine system and place them in the Void, to create mass shadows and force unsuspecting ships from hyperspace. [SWAJ]
Kemplex Nine
Nearly four thousand years ago, Kemplex Nine was a strategic jump-station in the Auril sector and the Cron system, and the only inhabited outpost near the Cron Cluster. During the Sith War, Ulic Qel-Droma gave hints that he intended to attack the undefended station, but it was merely a ruse to draw Republic defenses away from his true target of Coruscant. Later, Qel-Droma did decide to hit Kemplex Nine, but this was meant to draw Jedi forces into a trap. Aleema and Crado, aboard an ancient Sith ship, devastated the station and lured the pursuing Jedi fleet into the ten stars of the Cron Cluster. When they were in position, Aleema activated the Sith weapon and inadvertently ignited all ten stars, utterly wiping out Kemplex Nine and the entire surrounding area of space. [TSW]
A frozen planet located in the protective federation of worlds called the Botor Enclave. New Republic navigator Kane Griggs grew up on Kerensik and joined the Alliance following the Battle of Endor, after working in the Botor Income Ministry as an economist. Kerensiki trees have spines and needles instead of leaves. [DESB]
Kessel is a potato-shaped planet with one large moon located somewhat near Fwillsving and Honoghr. It is home to the city of Kessendra, is the only source of the telepathy-inducing glitterstim spice, and was the former site of a brutal Imperial prison and spice mining operation. Kessel's surface is covered with crumbled salt flats and atmosphere-producing factories, which make the air breathable when filtering breath masks are used. Kessel is too small to hold this artificial atmosphere, however, so much of it trails off behind the planet in the wake of its orbit. Beneath the surface of the planet live energy spiders, which spin glitterstim webs as a method of catching their prey (primarily the luminous "bogey"). Following the failure of the Emperor's attempt to destroy the Jedi enclave on Belsavis, several designers of the Eye of Palpatine were reassigned to punitive duty at Kessel. The Kessel system is adjacent to a cluster of black holes known as the Maw, which makes navigating to the planet difficult and helped glamorize the smugglers' "Kessel Run." While Kessel was under control by the Empire it was a common smuggling destination for those dealing in spice, and Han Solo once boasted he had made the Kessel Run in "less than 12 parsecs" by flying dangerously close to the Maw. Solo's life was also saved on one Kessel run by his old associate Badure. Prior to the Battle of Yavin, a bold Alliance rescue operation freed a group of Rebel POWs during a prisoner transfer operation. During the chaos surrounding the Battle of Endor, a Rybet prison official named Moruth Doole (who had secretly been supplying glitterstim to smugglers) staged a prison revolt and took control of the planet from the Empire. Several years later, after Doole's operation was dismantled, the administration of the mines was taken over by Lando Calrissian. Kessel's moon, which once held an Imperial garrison and Doole's ragtag defensive fleet (which was decimated in a battle with Admiral Daala's Star Destroyers), was utterly destroyed by a Death Star prototype from Maw Installation. Lujayne Forge, a member of the famed Rogue Squadron, was from Kessel, daughter of a man who had taught inmates under an Old Republic social program. [SW, JS, COTF, TLC, HSLL, COTJ, FP, XWRS]
Kestic Station
A free-trader outpost near the Bestine system, Kestic station was a frequent stopover for smugglers and outlaw miners. Alliance pilot Zev Senesca lived on Kestic Station with his parents, who supplied the Rebellion with arms until their illegal transactions were revealed by an Imperial informant. The station was subsequently destroyed by the Star Destroyer Merciless. [MTS]
The unique ID number on a particular bacta shipment allowed the Xucphra bacta-harvesting corporation to uncover an Alliance base on Ketal. Xucphra promptly informed the Empire, who eliminated the base. [SWAJ]
A major trade center as successful as Svivren, Ketaris was the target of an attack by Grand Admiral Thrawn which became stalled at one point. There was hope from Alliance pilots that Wing Commander Varth could escape the Qat Chrystac battle and hook up with a unit at Ketaris. During Thrawn's attack on Coruscant, Admiral Ackbar was on an inspection tour of the Ketaris region. [TLC]
Khomm is a pale green world lying very close to the Deep Galactic Core. It has moonless, has no unusual geologic features, no axial tilt, and a regular orbit. A thousand years ago, the planet's alien inhabitants decided that their society had reached perfection. They froze their bureaucratic culture at this "perfect" level, and began producing clones of previous generations. The genderless clones of Khomm like to keep to their own affairs, rarely leaving their planet and keeping the same roles and schedules from generation to generation. The planet remained neutral during the Galactic Civil War. Khomm's cities are laid out in perfect gridworks, with almost all buildings and residences looking identical and made from the same green- veined rock. Large cloning fa cilities in each city hold a record of all the major family lines. Dorsk 81 (the eighty-first clone of Dorsk) surprisingly showed unexpected Force aptitude and became one of Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy students seven years after the Battle of Endor. The following year, Dorsk 81 returned to Khomm, and the planet was devastated by Colonel Cronus and his fleet of Victory-class Star Destroyers. [DA, DS]
The Khuiumin system was the primary base for the infamous Eyttyrmin Batiiv pirates, until they were systematically destroyed by the Imperial Victory-class Star Destroyers Crusader and Bombard. The two warships eliminated all 150 craft in the pirate armada and chased the last survivors to the surface of Khuiumin-- where their stronghold was wiped out by the Crusader's concussion missiles. [SWS, SWAJ]
The site of a colony, where the twin con-artists Brea and Senni Tonnika were raised and where they perfected their deceptive money-making skills. [MTS]
A planet possibly in the Eva-T system. It was at Kiilimaar, following the Battle of Hoth, that the Rneekii pirates arranged to turn a captured TIE Defender scientist over to the Empire in exchange for a substantial ransom. The Imperial forces, however, double-crossed the pirates and recovered the ransom money. [TSC]
Kimanan is home to the animals known as furballs-- tiny, tubby, clownish marsupials which are considered premium pets. They are sold at Sabodor's pet shop on Etti IV. [HSSE]
Kimm systems
In addition to its trafficking in Senex sector slaves, the stock light freighter Smelly Saint runs counterfeit agri-droids from the Kimm systems. [COTJ]
The Nikto assassin Ma'w'shiye, a former Alliance agent, hails from Kintan. [SWAJ]
The home planet of the highly social, three-eyed aliens known as Gran. A common sight on the world are gently waving fields of goatgrass. Ree-Yees, one of Jabba the Hutt's courtiers, was exiled from Kinyen after committing the highly unusual (for Gran) crime of murder. [MTS, TFJP]
Kira Run
Several decades ago, the Haik expedition discovered a reliable hyperlane through the Kira system, which they named the Kira Run. The Kira Run connects the Lazerian and Ropagi systems, and also links the Harrin Trade Corridor with the Enarc Run. It was originally seen as a risky, uncertain route, but recently small shipping companies have begun servicing the Run and bringing it into the company of established trade routes. [SWAJ]
Kira system
A hyperlane running through the Kira system, known as the Kira Run, connects the Lazerian and Ropagi systems. [SWAJ]

Planet - K (pt. 3)