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Definition of " good standing.." for MTSBOA/TMEA events

Students will be considered in good standing with the HHS band program when they....


Enrollment Requirements

All students should enroll in a band class for both terms. Any student dropping will not be allowed to re-enter for one full year (ex.-dropping Spring term, may not re-enter until NEXT Spring, not Fall). Any student not enrolled for a full year(2 terms) is ineligible for any type of Mid-State\All-State audition or any university honor band. Students not enrolled for both terms are also ineligible to serve as officers, section leaders, or receive any type of awards. Students may only attend trips during their enrollment in band class. Students who have successfully completed Middle School Band, may register their 9th grade year only with the middle school band director's approval.


Membership Requirements

Concert Band-Open to ninth grade students. This organization stresses further development of performance skills and will perform a variety of concert activities during the year. members must prepare music for the Mid-State Auditions and the Solo\Ensemble Festival. There will be occasional after school rehearsals and these will be announced well in advance.

Symphonic Band-Open to students in grades 10-12. This organization stresses performance skill development and will perform in several programs throughout the year. Members may audition for Mid-State and All-State and must prepare for Solo\Ensemble Festival. There will be some after school rehearsals and\or sectionals and these will be announced well in advance. Members are also eligible for a variety of honor bands. Due to scheduling, the symphonic band is often combined with the Wind Ensemble for public performances.

Wind Ensemble-Open to students in grades 10-12. The high performance expectations of this select group of specific instrumentation make private lessons a requirement. In addition, all students must audition for Mid-State and All-State and participate in Solo\Ensemble Festival. Members are eligible to participate in a variety of honor bands. Members will be expected to participate in any after school rehearsals, and will be notified well in advance of these. All members must participate in the HHS marching band. Members must be enrolled for both Fall and Spring terms. Due to scheduling, the Wind Ensemble is often combined with the Symphonic Band in public performances.

Jazz Ensemble-Open to all students in grades 9-12 who are in enrolled in band class(few exceptions in the case of guitar and piano players). This group meets after school during the Fall and Spring semesters. Students will perform a short audition to be placed on appropriate parts. Students must have the director's approval to participate in this activity. The Jazz Band performs in many concerts throughout the year and is a very popular organization. Members in grades 10-12 may audition for the Mid-State Jazz bands.

Marching Band-Open to all students in grades 9-12 who are enrolled in band class. Students will perform a short audition to be placed on appropriate parts and instruments. Students must have the approval of the directors to participate in this activity. General behavior in school and instrumentation needs will also determine eligibility. Rehearsals begin in July with mandatory band camp in August. Members must pay a band fee, the cost of this fee is given at the beginning of the season. Members will attend all rehearsals after school and performances in all Football games and contests. Schedules will be available well in advance for all activities.

Other Ensembles-Some students enjoy getting together at times other than Solo\Ensemble and performing in small groups. At times, various community groups also call in need of "chamber music" to perform for their functions. The HHS program provides many opportunities to perform in a variety of organizations.