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Resting Far From Home

3-Lieut. Robert Long, 39th TN MI, D Company, CSA.

Lieut. Robert Long enlisted February 18, 1862, Hawkins County. He was elected 3-Lt. August 9, 1862. He was listed as being absent sick on the March/April 1863 roll call. He died May 18, 1863 near Vicksburg. Calvin Morgan Smith who kept a diary on the 39th (owner Leland Smith, Texas; published by the Hawkins Co. Genealogical Society, Rogersville, TN) wrote: "Lieut. Robert Long died at Capt. Barnes 5 miles south east from Vicksburg, Miss., who will be entered at Antioch Church 4 miles east of Warrenton, Miss on Monday 18th 1863. This is two Lieut. that our company have lost by diseases. 2nd Lieut. Isom Reynolds and 3rd Lieut. Robert Long. We mourn the loss. They were valuable officers, both gallant and brave, always willing and ready to do duty."

Sevier Smith, 60th TN Mounted Infantry, BCompany, CSA.

Sevier Smith, age 32; enlisted September; Jan/Feb 1862 on roll as absent on detached service; was captured at Big Black, MS. His unit was sent to Fort Delaware prison camp after being captured at Vicksburg. The record shows that he died there on Aug.15,1863, before the unit was paroled. He died of chronic diarrhea and is listed on the monument there for Tennessee troops buried at Pea Patch Island. (Sevier was a brother of 1st Lt. Calvin M. Smith, 39th TN MI, D Company, CSA, who kept a diary on the company)

(Calvin M. Smith and Sevier Smith,GGG uncles of Mike Perry who sent in this information)

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