On 11 July, 2000 23:30 Turkmen Front cheaf ofice in Erbil city (North of Iraq) has been attacked form kurdistan democratic party's militaries for no reason, at the time there was just 16 guards in the building are doing there normal guard job on the billing above the result was 2 guards of Turkmen Front killed and 3 are major injured. The reason for creating the air exclusion zone north 36th parallel north of Iraq was to protected Iraqi people form Saddam regimes forces, but the reality is that KDP has been negotiating with Saddams forces against non Kurdish people in area above. We adjure peacekeepers, human rights, united nation, and whom helped our people for creating this zone, to help Turkmen's form any attach coming from Saddam's and others.

North America
July 14,2000
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