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Our Cherub Champions Shouts And Cheers!

That Fairy Dust, That Fairy Dust
I will not sprinkle Fairy Dust
Could You, Would you with a Friend?
Would you, could you in the wind?
I could not would not with a friend,
I would not could not in the wind
Would you share with someone sad?
Could you sprinkle someone mad?
I would not share with someone sad,
I could not sprinkle someone mad.
I could not, would not with a friend.
I would not, could not in the wind.
I will not share my Cherub dust
Now let me be before I bust.
You do not want to share you say?

To spread your cheer in any way?
Until you try You'll never know
Just how far your love can go.
Cherub if you will let me be
I will share and you will see
That cheering isn't that much fun
Then this silliness can be done
SAY! I Like To Sprinkle Cheer!
I'll Share With You Come Over Here!

And I will share it with a friend
And I will Sprinkle in the wind
And I will Cheer for someone sad
And I will Share with someone mad
I do so Love to Cheer, It's Fun!
Thank You, Thank You, Everyone!

This Cheer received an award

On October 11, 1999

For DLoudest Cheer!

Warm up your fingers,
Take a hold of your mouse,
Let the site fights begin,
All over your house.
Visit some sites
And sprinkle with dust,
Vote for youself,
Yes that is a must!
Cheer on your team mates,
And spread lots of cheer,
Cause these fights are fun,
With nothing to fear!
You'll make lots of friends,
If you open your heart,
But your team expects,
You to take your part.
So put on your thinking caps,
And shout it out!
Cherub Champions are best,
Without a doubt!