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Comments or questions?(I hate/love this page) Email Me

NEW! Internet

Hey, this is my site and my name is Andrew Holloway. Welcome to my site. Feel free to look around, relax, and see what I'm up to, which isn't much right now. I would like to say that in recent months, stuff has been erased from my site, which kind of put me behind, but I will be back. So, without further ado...
March 1, 2001:
I have begun C++ programming and if anyone would like to offer assistance or ideas or even their own creations, just e-mail me with the source code. It will be for the benefit of us all. Thankyou!!

Also, since I have more space in my angelfire account, I will upload my download files to the site for direct access. If anyone has been to my page recently and has seen its downfall, I am sorry. Oh, well.

March 27, 2001:
Um, I decided to begin uploading my screenshots of different OSes and window managers for the X windowing system. I have been collecting them for a while, and now they will be uploaded. Patience, please.

For those who don't know, updating and maintaining a webpage is a lot of work and it is damn time consuming. I get easily frustrated by the time that passes between updates. Sorry for all the delays, but they cannot be helped sometimes, folks.

June 21, 2001:
Man, I thought I would take the time to make this site more personal, so I will do that. The other stuff will remain, but I want to make the site more of a representation of me.

©2001, Andrew Holloway
Comments or questions?(I hate/love this page) Email Me