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Contact Teri Byrne"

Contacting Teri Byrne isn't all that hard.
You can email her at:Teri Byrne Email

She will always get back with you. No matter if she is behind on emails! But for those of you who want an autograph...Send Teri Byrne a 8x10 SASE along with your $10 at this address below:

2900 Delk Road
Suite #700-290
Marietta, GA 30067

Teri will sign it and send it right back to you. No matter if she is eating tuna, dwelling in chocolate, exercising, or running away from crabs she will always get back with you. Don't worry! She will also make you pee on yourself because when you email her and she replies, she has at least on thing to say that is funny. Believe you me! She can always make you smile!