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      We, the undersigned, although scattered abroad, hereby pledge ourselves together as members of Christ's body, being identified as The Association Remnant Church of Creation 7th Day Adventists, and in harmony with Revelation 14:12, covenant to keep "the ten commandments of YAH and the faith of YAHSHUA," accepting His character as our heritage: "YAH is Our Righteousness ." (Jer. 23:6; 33:16)

"For where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20)

"Where Christ is, even among the humble few, that is Christ's church, for the presence of the High and Holy One who inhabiteth eternity can alone constitute a church." (Upward Look, page 315)

"Those who keep God's commandments, those who live not by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, compose the church of the living God." (1 MR, page 296, 1890)


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"I would encourage those who assemble in little companies to worship God. Brethren and sisters, be not disheartened because you are so few in number. The tree that stands alone upon the plain, strikes its roots deeper into the earth, spreads out its branches farther on every side, and grows stronger and more symmetrical while wrestling singly with the tempest or rejoicing in the sunshine. So the Christian, cut off from earthly dependence, may learn to rely wholly upon God, and may gain strength and courage from every conflict.

"May the Lord bless the scattered and lonely ones, and make them efficient workers for Him.... Brethren, do not forget the wants of these small and isolated companies. Christ will be found a guest at their little gatherings." SIGNS OF THE TIMES, JAN. 12, 1882.


A Natural Healing Site

A Modern-Day Prophet's Site

7th Day Adventism

Kenya Creation SDA

The Controverted Name: Seventh Day Adventist

The Precious Promises of God

The Three Sabbaths

The Sacred Logo of YAH

The Banned Church

Religious Liberty

Walter McGill and the Creation Seventh Day Adventist Church Hoax ?

Who Are Adventists? An Encyclopedica List of Churches

The Creation Seventh Day Adventist Church: Canadian Field

Creation Seventh Day Adventist Relief Projects International

The Creation 7th Day Adventist Church (CSDA Church)

Seventh-day Adventist Religious Liberty Reclaimed

SDA v. CSDA Trademark Lawsuit Website

The Creation Seventh Day Adventist Blog

Seventh Day Adventism

Seventh-day Adventist Church Found Wanting

Creation Seventh Day Adventist Real Media Programs

The True Adventist Church Website

Creation Seventh Day Adventist Relief Projects International Mirror

Creation Seventh Day Adventist Relief Projects International Mirror

Creation Seventh Day Adventist Relief Projects International Mirror

Main Website of the Creation Seventh Day Adventist Church

Creation Seventh Day Adventist Relief Projects International


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