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  Constitution Coalition is a national joining of resources, organizations and people designed to
Take Back America!
Proposed (not yet approved) MISSION STATEMENT:

Mission Statement of The Constitution Coalition The Constitution Coalition is a First Amendment assembly of citizens and free men dedicated to the preservation, defense and restoration of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Our primary weapon is Research, Education and Free Speech.

We hold that the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights have been written to define, mandate and preserve the establishment of a constitutionally limited REPUBLIC. To that end we encourage our members to read, study and understand the "Foundational Documents" and to seek public office if they are so moved. We also encourage our members to actively work to retire any members of Local, State or National government which do not demonstrate by their actions, an intent to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign or domestic.

"Defending the Constitution and Bill of Rights"

NOTE: This PROPOSED Mission Statement was Submitted by R. Butkowski on September 10. Many changes have been submitted but the changes have not yet been considered by others. Please vote on the "new" changes, and/or add your own changes. Suggestion is that the Mission Statement be Concise and to the point and NOT be full of things that actually belong in the guidelines for the group.

The Constitution Coaltion is a not-for-profit association of State Constitution Coalition First Amendment assemblies of cities and free men dedicated to the preservation, defense and restoration of the original Constitution of 1776 and the Bill of Rights (the first Ten Amendments). The Coalition has no officers, constitution nor bylaws and operates on member-drafted guidelines and "national Mission Statement". All efforts are voluntary and financed with personal individual donations.

Our primary weapon is historical research, public education and the exercise of Free Speech. Our coalition does not participate in partisan politics since our concern is identifying any office holder, regardless of party, who chooses to violate the Constitution or the Bill of Rights and will advise the general public may become aware of these violations. The Coalition does not endorse Candidates but may endorse Candidates' stand on the Constitution. [Dot Bibee]

The only proposed change or addition is the Second Paragraph: ". . . to define, mandate and preserve the establishment of a constitutionally limited REPUBLIC, that all mankind is endowed by unalienable rights. Note: The purpose in adding this is to clarify, especially for those whom have obviously forgotten, that mankind receives their rights from God, not government! After all, isn't that the very reason why we are having to address this? [R. L. Armey]