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  Constitution Coalition is a national joining of resources, organizations and people designed to
Take Back America!
Proposed (not yet approved)GUIDELINES (OR STANDING RULES): is not a mailing list - and is not to be used for posting general mail to. The Mailing list will be sent to you in Blind Copy form so that you can use this list to send mail to [D. Bibee]

[CC] in the Subject Line is for Constitution Coalition business to the Constitution Coalition mailing list - and means that the message has been sent to ALL coalition members. [D. Bibee]

As soon as a STATE has reached 10 individual or group members and nomination for State Coordinator should be held. When that person is named - that is the only name that will appear on the Constitution Coalition list. The State Coordinator will be responsible for keeping their State List updated and sent in to the National Coordinator - so that a count can be given on the List. [D.Bibee]

After enough STATE coordinators have been named, and these coord- inators see fit to do so, a Permanent National Coordinator should be nominated. [D. Bibee]

That we form separate groups for Intelligence, Research, Communi- cations, and Militias - and that a report be given in a newsletter. [Suggested by W. Richardson]

That we form a Council or Review Board to propose Rules, Guidelines or Changes - to be voted on by the membership. [W. Richardson] [Those who wrote up these proposals - and changes, if any - are volunteering for this council...IMHO...db] [W. Richardson]

That we form a Newspaper & Newsletter Committee - for getting important issues to the Public. [W. Richardson]

That we NOT allow personal agendas to interfere with the Coalition - who will keep the AGENDA toward Restoring Constitutional Gov't

We need a DECLARATION [in addition to the Purpose, Mission Statement] so that we can identify WHY we need to restore Constitutional Gov't - [as drafted by Gene Crocker]. and [Randy Clark] **Reason could be for distribution to General Public who really do not know WHY we have a "de facto" instead of a Constitutional government.....

Should anyone be paid for their services to the Constitution Coalition? For instance, designing web pages, etc. or for any reason? [Dot Bibee]

Should we use the OneList or a webpage controlled list to post the messages of the Constitution Coalition to? And that it be used only for Public Information. [W. Richardson and R. Butowski]

That the Council create a Letterhead for use in writing formal letters from the Coalition and that all correspondence be reviewed by the Council before any message is sent. [W. Richardson]

We need to establish bulletin boards and web pages. The web page for the Constitution Coalition should have links to the web pages of ALL the Coalition members' pages. [Al Weaver, W. Richardson, and Dot Bibee]

We need to identify all incumbents and make recommendations to the public of who needs to be ousted- and WHY. Need to do this ASAP. [W. Richardson]

We need to actively contact other groups and coalitions that has the same "constitutional goals" as the Constitution Coalition. [D. Bibee and W. Richardson]

If YES, the Council members would be responsible for ensuring that these contacts are made by using the official letterhead after exploring the goals of the group that is to be contacted. [W. Richardson]

We should use a LIE DETECTOR TEST for all candidates so that to verify their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. [AB Jones]

We should have a Coalition Ticket - for Write In Votes. [R. Butowski]

That we consider joining other groups within our Coalition since we need to HELP them accomplish their goals as well - and who NEED funds to mail letters, etc., or signatures for documents, etc. [D. Bibee]

That we SCREEN persons and groups for any possible connection with religious tendencies that we do not approve of. [Jeff Head]

Should there be any reason as to why we should NOT accept any individual or group into the Constitution Coalition? i.e. Prisoners, etc.