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Our One Supreme Court
Common Law Venue; original and exclusive Jurisdiction
Without the District of Columbia's Corporate UNITED STATES
In Macon county, The State of North-Carolina, a Republic-organic
People, for The State of 	 )
North-Carolina, a  Republic, 	 )
ex rel,				 )        
  Demandant, 			 )
vs.				 )         "IN LAW"
				 ) Declaratory Judgment in Support of
STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 	 )                Redress Of 
"its" political subdivisions and )                 Grievance
officers thereof, et al		 )
   Respondents			 )    Case - North-Carolina 98-1
	 			 )          Petition de Droit
	 			 )                    and
	 			 )    Command To Show Cause
P.O. Box 1089
Franklin, North Carolina 28744
I, Rea Colfax Junior.,Williams, special appointed clerk, in and for The State of North-Carolina, a Republic, hereby under the order and authority of the free People, in and for the several counties, command the above named Respondants to show lawful cause, and place into evidence, by signed and properly notarized affidavit, Lawful documentation, over Judicial Seal, documents in support of the "Emergency Government" de facto, described in the prior presentment, served upon you on April 7, 1998. This North-Carolina Common Law Grand Jury Justices' Assembly has concluded, "In Law", that no authority or necessity exists for an "Emergency Government" de facto and that such a government is operating against the best interest and will of the Sovereign People, the "state" in fact. Affidavits of response must be sent to the above Clerk of Court address, within ten (10) days of day served, exclusive of day received. If no Lawful evidence, rebuttal, objection, under proper Protest, over proper Judicial Seal, to the contrary, is received, these facts stated as Truth by this Lawful Organic Assembly of the Sovereign People, shall continue, as ultimate facts, as grounds to remove the bondage and enforced peonage, from Us, instanter, nunc pro tunc to the date of the unlawful conversion of Our unalienable Rights, Natural Rights, by the Respondents .

Special Appointed Clerk

The State of North-Carolina Republic  	 )
					 ) ss: Affidavit of Return
In and for the several counties 	 )
united States of America		 )
I, ____________________________, special appointed private process server, attest and acknowledge that I did serve upon above specifically named Respondant, by Contract, via___ insured RRR Mail # ________________ , __Personal Service, this Declaratory Judgment.
The State of North-Carolina
Our One Supreme Court
Common Law Venue; Original and Exclusive Jurisdiction
Without the District of Columbia
In Macon county, The State of North-Carolina, a Republic
The free People
redemption at Golgotha Anno Domini 33
the Declaration of Independence Anno Domini 1776
the confederation of thirteen united States
Ordinance of Anno Domini 1787
the Constitution for the United States of America 1787
Article Bill of Rights Anno Domini 1791
An Act to establish a Government in The State of North-Carolina
                   Anno Domini 1776
American Civil Flag of peace as defined at 1 Stat. 1 Section 1 & 2
The de jure free People, in and for the )	
United States of America, 		)
North-Carolina Republic,	ex rel,	)
   Declarant 				)
		v			)
Governor James Hunt, 		 	)
Attorney General Mike Easley	 	)
North Carolina State Senators	 	)
North Carolina State Representatives  	) North-Carolina 98-1
North Carolina Supreme Court Judges 	)
North Carolina Court of Appeals Judges	) 
North Carolina District Court Judges 	)
All County Court Judges 		)
All County Commissioners 		)
All State Agencies 			)
All Elected or Appointed Officials 	)
et al, 					)
   Respondants[s]. 			)

TO ALL WHOM THE PRESENTS COME TO BE KNOWN; We, the North-Carolina Republic Common Law Grand Jury Justices' Lawfully assembled, as a Right, protected and guaranteed by the Amendment 1 of the Constitution for the United States of America, 1787, amended 1791, the Constitution of North-Carolina, 1776, hereby gives "Judicial Notice" of absolute and inherent Rights and Authority, and basis for making a Finding of Facts and Conclusions based upon the God given natural Rights, Rights as Grantors, Trustors, Principals of authority to 'government', supported and guaranteed by the 'Agreements' titled North Carolina Constitution 1776, North Carolina Bill of Rights 1776, and Constitution for the United States of America 1787, amended 1791, Bill of Rights of 1776, the precursor documents cited in the 1854 Journal of the General Assembly of North-Carolina at 'CONSTITUTIONAL LAW.' to wit;
	Magna Charta of King John			15 June  1215
	Petition of Rights				  2 June 1628
	First Charter of Carolina			24 March 1663
	Second Charter of Carolina			17 June  1665
	Fundemental Constitutions of Carolina            1 March 1669
		(by Locke)
	The Habeas Corpus Act, (31 Ch. II. ch. 2) )      2 May   1679
	Bill of Rights (1 William and Mary, session	         1689
		2d, chap. 2)
	Act for the surrender of the Proprietary Title		 1729
		to Carolina (2 Geo.II. ch, 34.)
	Grant to Lord Carteret, afterwards              17 Sept. 1744
		Earl Granville
	Declaration of Independence		         4 July  1776
	Constitution of the State of North Carolina	18 Dec.  1776
	Articles of Confederation			 8 July  1778
	Treaty of Peace				         3 Sept. 1787
	Constitution of the United States	        17 Sept. 1787
It is the intent of the North-Carolina Common Law Grand Jury Justices' is to provide knowledge and information whereby the free People of The State of North-Carolina, a Republic may see bona fide evidence of the breach of the Trust, by so-called governmental actors who, under sacred Oath of Office, did repeatedly and are now, in ongoing willful, negligent breach said Trust, breach of Oath of Office, breach of fiduciary responsibility, and seeing said breach of Trust, the free People of The State of North-Carolina, a Republic do have good and sufficient grounds to exercise their power to re-establish The State of North-Carolina as a Sovereign, de jure State of the Freely Associated Compact States for the united States of America (entering the Union on the same footing as the original 13 States), as set forth within the national Constitution for the united States of America, of 1787, amended 1791, and the Preamble of the Enabling Act for the State of North-Carolina.

It is not the intent of North-Carolina Common Law Grand Jury Justices' to obstruct, hinder, delay, or in any way interfere with the de facto STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA government.

Said de facto STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA government is free to continue however it wants, with the caveat that said de facto STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA government should not, in any way, interfere with the Life, Liberty, Pursuit of happiness of the free People, nor cause said free People to be bound, in any way, to Said de facto STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA government, by any acts, omissions, misinformation, coercion, duress, threats, force of arms, against the will of the free People.


The North-Carolina Common Law Grand Jury Justices', assembled as an organic assembly by Right of grant from YHVH, as beneficiaries of the original Trust/Treaty/Agreements, do find;

Respondents are properly served, on or about the seventh day of the fourth month, Anno Domini, one thousand nine hundred ninety eight, the PETITION DE DROIT-REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES of the twenty eighth day of the second month, Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred ninety eight.

Return of Service Certificates are properly conformed and upon the record of the Clerk of Court.

Acknowledgement of service, in the name of all Respondent parties, was made by Andrew A. Vanore, Jr., Chief Deputy Attorney General, State of North Carolina, Department of Justice, on or about April 15, 1998, as evidenced by a letter received by, and upon the record of the Clerk of Court.

Respondant parties have failed, neglected, refused to reply, rebut, deny, refute, or defend against the PETITION DE DROIT-REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES of the twenty eighth day of the second month, Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred ninety eight.


By virtue of the authority vested in the North-Carolina Common Law Grand Jury Justices', assembled as an organic assembly, by Right of grant from YHVH, as beneficiaries of the original Trust/Treaty/Agreements, do find, ORDER, ADJUDGE, and DECREE, by this Declaratory Judgment, Respondent parties have been, and are in breach of fiduciary/trustee relationship with the free people of America, The State of North-Carolina, Macon county, breach of Oath of Office, and Bond, and now bound by the principles of res judicata, to the ultimate facts, and findings, of the PETITION DE DROIT-REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES of the twenty eighth day of the second month, Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred ninety eight, and further

Respondents are hereby and herewith placed on NOTICE that the free people of The State of North-Carolina, in exercise of the power in them placed by YHVH, states, avers, pursuant to the original Grant of Depositum for Bailment via the 1776 Constitution for the State of North Carolina, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, DO NOT ASSENT to the material breach(s), i.e., transfer, conversion of the political Will by, of, and for "We, the people" on the free soil of the Theocratic Republic of the organic country known as The State of North-Carolina, into a legislative democracy that subjects "We, the people," to the minicipal law of foreigners "within" the geographical exterior Boundry of "The State of North-Carolina" , nor do I give any assent by, of, for "We, the people", pursuant to the original Grant of, by, for "We, the people" September 17, 1787, Anno Domini, as amended 1791, Anno Domini, Ordaining and Establishing the Constitution for the Government -public Trust-of The United States of America.

We, the North-Carolina Common Law Grand Jury Justices', assembled as an organic assembly by Right of grant from YHVH, as beneficiaries of the original Trust/Treaty/Agreements does not assent to any pledge, mortgage, lien, or other encumberance, on the behalf of the free people of The State of North-Carolina, by the Council of State Governors, March 6, 1933, to be security or collateral for any part or portion of the public National/Federal Debt via a counterfeited securuty, through constructive fraud.

We, the North-Carolina Common Law Grand Jury Justices', assembled as an organic assembly by Right of grant from YHVH, as beneficiaries of the original Trust/Treaty/Agreements HEREBY and HEREWITH EXPRESSLY DEMANDS THE DEPOSITUM FOR BAILMENT IMMEDIATELY BE RETURNED TO the free people of The State of North-Carolina, pursuant to the terms, conditions, stipulations, exceptions, reservations contained within the Original Grant, the free people of The State of North-Carolina being endowed, by Almighty YHVH, Our Creator, with the character and capacity to so warrant, the free people of The State of North-Carolina being Bailor, Grantor, Settlor, by blood descent thereunto.

Bailee to Depositum of Bailment of the free people of The State of North-Carolina, repository trustee for the Original public Trust, will so acknowledge and recognize this DEMAND FOR RETURN OF SAID DEPOSITUM FOR BAILMENT AND IMMEDIATE RETURN THEREOF.

This action is bonded, by third party sureties, copies of said bonds attached hereto, made a part hereof, by reference, as if fully reproduced herein, verbatim, by reference.

NOTICE is hereby and herewith given to Respondents, the Original Great Seal of the organic The State of North-Carolina, the indicia, evidence, and authority of the Original Rules, Original Jurisdiction of the free people of The State of North-Carolina, is prepared for application to and upon the documents of this action, and those of the free people of The State of North-Carolina.

Respondents have NOTICE and GRACE of the ten (10) days from date of service, not including date of service, to properly and timely PROTEST, object to the use of the Original Great Seal of the organic The State of North-Carolina. Failure to timely PROTEST will be deemed your agreement to the unrestricted use of the Great Seal of the organic The State of North-Carolina, by We, the free people of The State of North-Carolina, and further

Respondents acceptance, ratification, and Judicial Notice of the full force and effect of the Great Seal of the Organic The State of North-Carolina, as bona fide, competent evidence of the Original Rules, Original Jurisdiction, ultimate authority of We, the free people of The State of North-Carolina, and further

Respondents, by acts or omissions, have allowed there to be no true Article III, Section 2 judges of undiminished salary, in term, available to the free people of America, under the Original Rules, Original Jurisdiction, thereby creating a situation depriving the free people of America of a remedy in any de facto court of the United States, the compact party de facto States, the political subdivisions thereof.

BE IT SO EXECUTED, enacted, decreed, by certification and exemplification, this the twenty seventh day, the sixth month, Anno Domini, one thousand nine hundred ninety eight, Amen, in the two hundred twenty first year of the Independence of The United States of America, the Great, A men.

This Court is instructed to issue all necessary documents. I/we the Jurats of the North-Carolina Republic Common Law Grand Jury Justices' hereby attest and acknowledge that the above Finding of Facts and Conclusions of Law, Declaratory Judgment, are true, correct, certain, not misleading, necessary to the well-being of the people of our The State of North-Carolina, a free Republic.

This Finding of Facts and Conclusions of Law by our North-Carolina Common Law Grand Jury Justices'is not reviewable by any other Court of the corporate United States, their compact party de facto States, or political subdivisions thereof, other than in accordance to the rules of Common Law, per the Seventh amendment to the national Constitution for the united States of Americe, 1787, amended 1791, nor subject to trespass upon the case, by the de facto judicial power of the corporate United States, their compact party de facto States, political subdivisions thereof, as per the Eleventh amendment to our National Constitution 1787, amended 1791.

So agreed to, Ordered, Decreed, Adjudged, and done this twenty eighth day of the second month, Anno Domini, one thousand nine hundred ninety eight.

"Again, you have heard it was decreed to the ancients, that you shall not perjure yourselves, but give up by your vow to the Lord. But I tell you in short, Do not vow at all; not by heaven, for that is the throne of God; nor by the earth, because that is His footstool; nor by Jerusalem, for that is the city of the great King. Neither vow by your head, because you are not able to make a single hair white or black, But let your language be 'Yes, yes'; 'No, no'; for whatever exceeds these proceeds from evil."

Teste Meipso

_______________________   _______________________________
Per curiam	Foreman	  Per curiam	Alternate Foreman

_______________________ _______________________________ Per curiam Per curiam

_______________________ _______________________________ Per curiam Per curiam

_______________________ _______________________________ Per curiam Per curiam

_______________________ _______________________________ Per curiam Per curiam

_______________________ _______________________________ Per curiam Per curiam

_______________________ _______________________________ Per curiam Per curiam

_______________________ _______________________________ Per curiam Per curiam

_______________________ _______________________________ Per curiam Per curiam

_______________________ _______________________________ Per curiam Per curiam

_______________________ _______________________________ Per curiam Per curiam

_______________________ _______________________________ Per curiam Per curiam

Macon county		    		    )
                       			    ) ss:
The State of North-Carolina, a Republic     )
united States of America		    )
I, ______________________________, duly appointed, commissioned, and privately bonded Notorial Officer, hereby attest and acknowledge that the signatures of the above jurats are the ones chosen by the free People of the several states, and that the jure' was presented with testimony, evidence, and the facts, pertaining to the necessity of the termination of the non-constitutional War and Emergency Powers, being perpetrated upon the American People. On this twenty seventh day of the sixth month, Anno Domini, one thousand nine hundred ninety eight.

_______________________________ My Commission Expires Notarial Officer

Fee: _______________