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Morticia's Meadowland

Welcome to my Secret Universe. Where Enchantment and Reality like to mingle...
Pocket Dragons Homepage

Beware, my friends, of Dragons lurking behind you!

There are many dragons in life... Those you can see, and those you cannot. The ones you can see are obviously the easiest to defeat, but the ones you cannot are by far the most challenging.

As you go through life, contemplate on which Dragons are worth fighting, and which ones will only end in your suffering.

No battle is worth your Death.


You can never have too many of these.
There will be two friends you consider to be your BEST FRIEND... yes, plural. Usually one male and one female.

If you are extremely lucky (as I am) you can count your spouse as one of them.


There never is enough of this.
But we must make time for the people in our lives. We must remember those who have come and gone. We must not linger on trivialities.

No one can predict our future, but there will always be a future ending for each of us.

Make time your friend, and she will bestow many blessings. If she is your enemy, she will destroy you before you have even begun to fight.

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Thanks to Real Musgrave for the use of his Pocket Dragon "Our Hero"
Morticia's Meadowland: My Secret Universe -- Where to find the philosophies to live by.