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Tina's Always Bon Jovi Page

Things you will find here................

This site is my personal tribute to the greatest band in the world, BON JOVI. They are not only A rock band,..... they are THE ultimate rock band!!! If you have a comment, question, news, or want to list your web site or mailing list, please visit my message board. I "always" welcome comments and suggestions, so please feel free to e-mail me. Thank you for visiting my site, and if you like it, remember to bookmark it! The message board is "always" open!! Also, before you leave, please sign my guestbook! Thank you.

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"Always" "Stick to Your Guns",

~*~Site Created 6/99~*~ JUNE was the six year anniversary for my site!!!


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This site is more of an 'archived' site now. I do not have the space in Angelfire to upload any additional pictures, and I do not have as much time as I would like, to update this site. For up to the minute news, tour information, upcoming events, tv appearances, etc., please visit theBackstage With Jon Bon Jovi Fanclub.

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* This is an unofficial fan website only. Neither the webmaster, nor the website are affiliated in any way, with Bon Jovi, Mercury Records, Island Def Jam, Universal Music Group, or Backstage JBJ. To visit the official sites, please go to my links page. To get in touch with someone from Bon Jovi management, please contact the fan club. Thanks.