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Tnbluiiiis....The True Story

Hey Y'all

Hi.....thanks for visiting...and I am going to answer the question that I am sure is on your mind...."What does that name mean.....?" LOL...well it means Tennessee Blue Eyes.

And now by popular demand.....the picture of me in black leather....*wink* hope you like it.......

My name is Linda Dawn Long......

I am 28 years old and live in the beautiful Northeast Georgia mountains. I live in the town of Cleveland, GA...Home of the Cabbage Patch Kids! I work for a large printing company nearby, we produce all the business cards and stationary products for all of the Office Depot and Staples stores on the eastern seaboard. I am a proofreader, which definitely does not suit my personality, I am too much of an extrovert, but it pays the bills. As I tell my friends...."Can you imagine me being quiet for 8 hours at a time?"...And never fails, they always say NOOO!!! I also waitress weekends in nearby Alpine Helen Georgia, a tourist town which I love, but I have to work a real job, because lets face it, I am not getting any younger. I love Georgia, and have found alot of happiness here but..... I will always be a Tennessee Girl at heart (GO VOLS)! I have a great family...a younger brother, Shannon, who joined the US Army October 1998, and who is stationed with his newlywed wife, Amanda at Fort Wainwright in Alaska. I also have a younger sister Crystal who lives here in Northeast Georgia, with our mom, Julie...but beware ya'all...they haunt these chat lines, so you never know, you might be talking to another one of us!! Oh the way...I am single and looking for Prince Charming.

My one and only daughter....Princess!!

Above you see a picture of my angel, Princess.

I call her my daughter, because she is a spoiled-rotten brat!! Her birthday is June 13, 1994 and I have had her for all 7 years of her life. During this time she has been my constant companion and best friend. Like I said...she is a typical poodle..and has a mind and will of her own!!So What Do I Do For Fun???...

I love to read...I am a huge V.C. Andrews fan (and yes I know she passed away)...recently I have been hooked on John Grisham and Dean Koontz novels. I love all time favorite is Gone With The Wind!! I also loved Titanic and i saw it 3 times. If you haven't guessed... I am a sucker for a love story!! I also enjoy swimming and hiking. I love to shop and have a bizarre weakness for shoes...(ladies, you understand, don't you?)! I like music...all kinds...but mostly I listen to country. I love to go out dancing and the nite life in Helen is pretty great! I also LOVE to chat!!! So if you would like to chat with icq # is feel free to buzz me anytime, I love to make new friends!

Helen, Georgia, where I work is home to one of the nations largest Oktoberfests. We also host many other events throughout the year. You haven't lived till you have tubed the 'Hooch(tubed the Chattahoochee River). I love living here, it's so much fun. If you haven't ever been here...check it out sometime.

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