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Galry Gabriev

Galry Gabriev
Powers:Atenko,evil beam,kamehameya,laser beam and transformation.
Info:In one of the pods that came to earth i was in it and i grew training under the great Coury,to be one of the best figthers of the world and if anybody trys to challenge me,oh he has something coming[Look at the main pic to see]

This are my pics.

SS4 Galry=Holding Spirit Bomb
SS4 Galry=Tough guy
SS4 Galry=Power level 11
SS4 Galry=Kamehameya
SS4 Galry and transformed state in background=Best Pic.
SS4 Galry=Won a battle
SS4 Galry=split in 2 forms.[second form kalry]
