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Daowin Isle PALS

Welcome to the place for the Daowin Isle Pass Along Story!  Feel free to read the story and send in your own part to it if you want.

Part One: By Sharmy

The loud warning calls of the good fortress Rose hut.(Named after the warrior Rose.) Sounded out in the morning air. "What is it Serina?"Jole, The leader of the fearless troops called to a young mousemaid warrior "Big horde sir, southwest of the redwall abbey." Serina pointed in the direction. "Let me take a look." he took the eyeglass and spotted the horde. He slowly raised his head. "What is it sir?" said Serina, puzzled by the horror on her leaders face. The brave leader spoke one word, one word that would send chills down anybeasts back. "Sharmy."

Sharmy was not like other horde leaders. She didn't insult her troops, or mistreat them, or abuse them, she new that that would only mean rebelion, or fatal loss. She also knew that if she didn't fead her troops properly, then they would be beaten in battle, or starve in the cold winter. She also clothed her troops well. She was honest with her troops to. And she knew that if somebeast was stupid and slow, it would afect the entire horde. Sharmy was an evil black vixen, who's one goal in life was to have almost complete power. And at one time she had almost had it, and would have if she hadn't let a stupid, slow, and rebelious beast into her horde. He ruined all her plans, and mad it so she had nothing, instead of everything. But now she had regained power, and her main goal now was one thing... to take over the mossflower woods, the redwall abbey going first........

Part Two: By Whitedeath

"Hey Whitey!", Sharmy called out of her tent flap, "come here a minute." Whitdeath the albino fox assain stepped into the tent, most of his body was obscured by the strange cloak he wore,but his eyes burned brightly,blood red! "You've been to Redwall wheras I've only been defeated by em,what are the abbeybeasts like?" The fox drew a dagger and began whittling a bit of wood as he always did when thinking, "well when I was there spying with Gurtrad the stoat and the others we had a good look through the abbey records. Redwallers are peaceful but when they are angerd they fight like madbeasts,and they have friends too,those darned shrews and otters. When we were discoverd I was the only one too escape and then I joined you as you gatherd a hoard." "Yeah yeah I know all this but whats their weaknesses?", said Sharmy slamming her paw down onto the table. "I was just getting to that",said Whitdeath, when I consulted their records I discoverd that Slagar the fox alias Chickentheif sneaked in with his hoard disguised as clowns and performers,I suggest we try that." Sharmy ponderd this for a while and then stood up and said "I hope yer a good performer Whitdeath lets get goin!"

Part Three: By Tanza Wildeyes

Tanza Wildeyes, the polecat mercenary, took an apple out of the fire. Whitedeath stomped up to her. "Gather the most innocent looking beasts in the horde and report to me!" he shouted at her. Tanza was quite taken aback by this, but did as she was told. "We're going to try the old get-into-the-abbey-as-actors trick. Except, we're going to look like honest woodlanders. I hear you're good with disguises, Tanza. Dress these troops up as performers!" Whitedeath told her. Tanza did each soldier one by one, until all of them looked like woodlanders. She donned on a red silk cloak with a hood and a loose blue shirt that came down to her knees. A strange group of beasts trooped out of Sharmy's camp: a group of otters, squirrels, and mice in clown suits, lead by 'Marigold' the 'mousemaid'. Tanza knocked on the main gate. An old mouse called Brother Russel answered the door. "Yes? Who is it?" he asked. "Just some lonely performers, sir! Otters, mice and a few squirrels!" Tanza said in an immitation mouse voice. "Good!" the old mouse replied. "You've come just in time for the Abbot's Jubilee Feast! Come in!" "I am called Marigold, I'm a seer-type magician," she told him. "Oh, the Dibbuns will LOVE that!" he replied. The crazy antics of the performers brought laughter to everybeast in the Great Hall. Then, Tanza took a stand. She produced a staff almost magically from her sleeve. Dibbuns sat wide-eyed in amazement. She lifted her staff into the air and wailed: "Mothers, fathers, little-ones, Here to hear my cry, We are here from Sharmy's horde! You are here to DIE!!!!" With that, she drew two curving swords and launched herself into the Redwallers, ripping off the disguise. All of the other vermin followed. It was a brutal battle, but the vermin came out on top because the Redwallers' only weapons were silverware. Tanza and the others snatched up the babes and fled for the door. They were out and across the lawn, when Russel stepped in the way and dove on Tanza's footpaw. Tanza grabbed him by his scruff and threw him against the wall of the gatehouse. Russel's breath became ragged and slowing. By the time the other Redwallers got there, he was dead and the vermin were gone.

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