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Lord Aramis de Lioncourt

Weapons: Diamond Rapier a 40 inch long rapier that has a thickness of 3 inches, made by a ultra light titanium with a diamond polymer bonded over it. The diamonds were mined from the best location in the world-South Africa. It allows the blade to cut through most objects. Diamond Dagger is a 1 1/2ft dagger that has a thickness of one inch, made with the same diamond polymer and titanium as the rapier.

Armor: Wears a black and red robe made of a tight knitted fabric, underneath an ultra-light titanium mesh protects his immortal skin from most metals. Two gold plated gauntlets.

Sect: Camarilla

Class: Toreador

  • Body: 18
  • Intelligence: 17
  • Wisdom: 16
  • Stamina: 17
  • Appearance: 18
  • Reflex: 18
  • Alignment: Anarchist Good
  • Abilities: Move silently ; Weapons Mastery ; Leadership

    The following is the story of my life here on this earth and beyond. I was born in the year 1999, son of Lestat de Lioncourt and Saphire de Lioncourt. I spent the first night of my life escaping with my father from the Triumvrate Castle to New York City. There my father used the remaining magic and power he gained as a Shadow Protector of the Triumvrate to give me the adult mind and body I now have. I stand at 6'5ft tall and weigh 215lbs. My eyes are a deep blue and my hair is black as night. My usual attire is a black and red robe that is plated and trimmed in gold. At the center part of the robe, above my chest there is an ancient blue saphire stone given to my father by my mother during their courtship (See picture above). Underneath my robe is an ultra light titanium mesh that serves as an armor that can for the most part prevent almost any known metal from passing through it and penetrating my immortal skin.

    The early part of my life was spent living in New York City as founder of The Vampire Consortium, a foundation my father passed on to me where I could offer sanctuary to my fellow kindred and other noble souls. The Consortium Complex was a massive skyscraper standing at 113 stories over the great city of New York. It was at the Consortium that I ran my finances through a multinational corporation that dealt with anything from electronics to shipping companies. Here is where I began meeting many of the allies and friends I have until this day, loyal friends who knew my father during his days at the Vampyre Triumvrate who followed him to New York. It was at the Consortium where I first had experiences of joy and sorrow, love and hate. My twin sister Annabelle and I met as adults and didn’t exactly meet on good terms. She despised me for the way I lived the modern life, she held true to the ancient ways, which I could not. I also met my first love Dakota LaSalle, but this love was short lived. She went on and left me, seeing that I was too much in the events transpiring around the Consortium. Although I missed her, I knew that one day I would find true love. I also had to arrange the reconstruction the Dream World Castle that Nicolas destroyed in a fit of madness. Claudia was the mistress of the castle. Almost identical to my other sister Claudia, this one was beautiful and very tempting, we both shared feelings for one another, however, fate would not smile on us. My father and mother separated and father later decided to return to earth and slumber underground. Ties with the Triumvrate Castle was broken, Andromeda wanting to also take a leave of the world. Mother and my twin sister Annabelle also left New York to seek life elsewhere. I enjoyed the company of my peers in the Consortium, but I wished to seek some of my kind to begin a family, to carry the de Lioncourt name into the next millennium. It was around this time that I had met my first wife Lynne Bloodthorne. I was overwhelmed with the thought of being with this woman. She took possession of my heart, there was nothing the two of us could not do together. Our courtship was wonderful, although whispered murmers of jealousy and hate spread. I grew to love her and proposed to her, she accepted and although our wedding was full of strife caused by some who sought to prevent our happiness we were able to finish our ceremony and begin a new life with each other. Together with her I began to spread the de Lioncourt name to my closest kindred. Natasha Bloodthorne, sister to Lynne was the first to join, and what a special bond I have made with Natasha, she is other than Lynne one who I care about most in my family. Later her sister Blackheart became a de Lioncourt. As my family grew I had met people in a group called the Nexus. I was happy to meet people of such honor and care that all within its circle showed.

    I began devoting most of my time with them, serving as an advisor to then High Lady Arrallah Aurislaun. It was a time of great conflict, a terrible war fought with another faction named Andromeda. I pledged an alliance with Nexus to help them in the event of any dishonorable act against them in my presence. Training the art of combat with my close friends Sephiroth Zombie of Nexus and Blood Mercenary of Nexus I have brought my skills up considerably since the days that I lived a sheltered life in the Consortium. We would spar for hours a day. I learned many new forms of hand to hand combat, plus some magic spells. Although some spars didn't go my way, it was indeed the training necessary to survive. During this time a family threatened my family of vampire hunters named Crysonias. One of them by the name of Artemis fought against me one eve, tis a glorious fight indeed. I defeating and sparing his life, as a message of peace to his family. However my sister Aurora de Lioncourt was attacked by Artemis's sister Nuria. This attack plus one by Aran Crysonias made the feud heat up. Until Gabriel Crysonias stopped it from getting out of control, it cost poor Aran his life. Later I finally made my request to join the Nexus public knowledge. I passed my trial period and proved myself worthy of entering the family. I took the oath to join Nexus under our new High Lord Lothar Pheonixheart. As I entered into Nexus I decided that my Consortium was not what it once was...its members began to leave one by one and those that remained would not listen to my pleas to meet and discuss plans for the future of the Consortium as an entity in the realm. It was with great heartache and sorrow that I was forced to dismember it and seek out my life with my family, and Nexus. I now am in the famed Azure Blades cabal within Nexus. I was named Warleader of this cabal. To me one of the most important cabals in Nexus, for it is charge of maintaining a level of diplomacy in the realm, as it is also the first to engage in the defense of Nexus. This is where I know I will be able to serve my Warbrothers and sisters best. Only a short time ago my beloved mother Saphire has come back to be with me, and along with old friends of my father Andromeda Dulac de Delioncourt and Dominia of Nexus the future seems bright. As a vampire I walk through the night, quenching my thirst for blood, taking the life of the sinners and evil souls of the earth, like my father before me had done for centuries. I have taken possession of Lestat's ancestral home in the Auvergne, France. It has been restored and brought up to stand tall over the land. I have named it DeLioncourt Manor, this is where I reside with my family. If there is one thing in life that I have learned is that sometimes all good things come to an end. I have experienced yet another great heartbreak, Lynne and I have divorced, destiny choosing different paths for us. I will remember her always. Shortly afterwards I relinquished control of DeLioncourt Manor ,as part of our separation, to Lynne and moved back to New York. I returned and restablished the Consortium. Here I oversee my multinational investments and corporations. During that time I also removed myself from the status of Warleader of Azure. I began roaming aimlessly around the realm and during a small excursion of mine into the lands of Ayenee I was dealt an unfortunate, yet fatal hand by an assassin. Most speculation remained as to who was responsible for this murder. Some say it was an old adversary of mine from the past. Others have even said it was my ex wife seeking vengence. Death appeared to have her grip on me, but alas a trusted friend and member of the mysterious race known as the "Ethos" named Guybrush used they're considerably advanced technology to return me from the land of Hades. As I returned my memories were temporarily lost to me. All I was granted was the repeating vision of my death. I alone decided to find my place and myself in the world. With the help of Lady Bryna Mccoy, Andromeda,and Bhaal Demon of Nexus I was able to succeed and survive that first night of horror. From there I embarked on my journey of discovery. During my journey I became closer to the vampire named Bryna. One eve I found her and her mind in chaos. She was reverting to a hidious beastial evil form. I entered her mind and within the astral plane I battled with her dark side. Aiding Bryna in rediscovering herself and essentially saving her from her own fears. I asked for her to come back to New York where she would be safe from such perils. She would not arrive for sometime, however the mental rapport her and I shared was strong, and almost no one could break it.

    Traveling all over the world I walked alone, knowing my destiny is uncertain. Nexus now about to fall, disappearing into history as one of the most powerful and respected nations ever. I pray that one day that great nation will once again stand tall. However that possibility seeming almost impossible now that so many have left. As I left the sacred halls of the Black Rose Tower I vowed never to forget the Pindawi codes and stay true to the oath I took so long ago. Arriving shortly after to the place of my birth...The Triumvrate Castle. I felt the desire to know the place that my parents hold so dear to them. Maybe even find more of myself and my heritage there. I know reuniting with my family there will prove to be priceless in my adventures to come. My time at the Triumvrate indeed helped me cope with the loss of Natasha briefly, who literally disappeared from my arms by forces unknown. Natasha and I had fallen in love with each other shortly after Lynne and I divorced, although we both knew all along that our love was present even before Lynne and I were married. Natasha and I were to be united again, but not until she was released from her ties and curse of her family. I returned to New York City once again with new vigor and inspiration, reforming my Vampire Consortium. There I have been reunited once again with my beloved Natasha, soon we are to be wed, together forever, finally after the strife we have both been through. Natasha gave to me an amulet, one that belonged to her father. As long as I wore the jewel she would be safe from her sister Blackheart. Life seemed to look wonderful again. The Consortium was again thriving and I was married to Natasha. My old friend Giovanni von Beastre preformed the ceremony, and there to witness it was Nicolas, Darklord Lothar Phoneixheart, and Andromeda. However as things go peace was short lived. Myself and Andromeda felt that my father Lestat was once again walking the nights, thus releasing himself from his self imposed exile. I led a group of Consortium members on a quest to find him. We traveled across the world to the Middle East to retrace the steps he took. Upon arriving in a small mid eastern country we found evidence of both Lestat and Claudia having been in a recently devasted hotel. A fight and escape was what we were able to determine. The trail was easy from that point on. Lestat was engaged in battle with an Eternal, an ancient race of immortals that predates even the vampire race. Cain Draggakon was his name, and he was literally at the point of taking my father's life. If not for the rescue by myself, Dominia and Annabelle all would have been lost. We battled with Cain and were barely victorious over him. He demonstrated a power that was almost unstoppable. We prayed that we never would have to face the likes of Cain again. Lestat & Claudia went to the Triumvrate Castle to heal and we returned to New York. There we were soon visited by Maharet one of the mothers of the vampire race, who warned us of impending doom. Her sister Mekare had been taken prisoner by an evil demon named Belatazar. Demonic and evil he was using Mekare as a lure to bring Maharet to him. His goal was to kill them and end the rein of the vampire race. Eagerly I and others in the Consortium left for South America. The trek to Mekare's location was far from boring. I felt in my mind that Bryna was on her way to join the fight. Finding each other in South America later would be a key in defeating our enemy. Strife and combat were very present as I and my friends fought against an onslaught of creatures. We met a mysterious guide, her name was Blythe, she took us into the deep jungles with a warning that there were vile creatures the likes of which no man has lived to tell about. As things always are we engaged in battle numerous times with a race of flesh eaters. Hidious monsters that feed off of animals and man alike. In one battle against a group of flesh eaters I lost the amulet that bound Natasha to me, and protected her from being taken by her sister. She was gone once again, and this time I fear I will never see her face again. The fight against the flesh eaters won we continued on our quest. Belatazar was waiting for our arrival and a battle soon followed. I managed to get most of the attention against the demon. Wounding him on occasion, my distraction would prove to be vital in our victory against Belatazar. The combined might of Maharet, Andromeda, Saphire, Rose, Skyla, Felina, Bryna, Phantom, Bhaal, and myself was not enough to bring down this monster. My father waited and gathered his powers. Unleashing a spirit ball that destroyed Belatazar completly, but this proved also to be my downfall. I was caught in the wake of the blast and taken from this reality for what seemed to be forever. All that was left behind was my Diamond Rapier, a reminder of what I was and what I stood for...

    If any of you who have any questions or comments, you are all welcome to make them at:

    lord_aramis_delioncourt@yahoo. com

    The following links is to provide you with further information on the Vampire Consortium Home Page for RP, the continuing story of Dark Aramis and also the home page of A&E: