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Helpful Links To HTML

Links for HTML Help

This is a page of sites where you can find places to help you out with HTML codes. For those of you who need assistance or for those who would like some additional information on things. This is a good site for you. Within this site you will find links to other places that you can learn HTML and other things, such as Javascript and CGI. I hope that this site will be helpful in your learning the HTML for you signature boxes as well as designing your own web pages. I will be adding some more links to this page. I may also use some gif and other links for this page. I hope that you will be able to find things that you want or need to design your pages. Have fun and enjoy. Thanks for stopping by.

These are some of the sites that can help you in your search for HTML codes and how to use them. I will be adding more as I can. I hope that you find these sites to be of assistance to you. If you have any questions or comments reguarding this site please feel free to email me at

Allot Of Gifs To Go
A place to find helpful HTML codes and uses for them. This site shows you some of the codes as well as how to use them in your signature boxes.

Draac's Gifs 123
Draac's is a fun place to learn HTML and where you can find the codes needed to use. Draac's has a lot of backgrounds and gifs as well as music that you can use in your signature boxes and on your web pages. This is a webtv friendly site.

A HTML Testbed
A place to try out and test the codes that you have chosen to see what your finished product will be, before you place it in your signature box.

HTML,CGI & Javascript
A place full of different links so that you can decide what speed you are learning or need to learn. This site has places for beginners to the more advanced users. Take your time and decide which sites are best for you.

A Color Chart
Have you ever wondered what color you can use that webtv would recognize. Well this is the site for you. You can use this chart for your background colors as well as text and links. Because the names of the colors are easier to remember than the numbers this site is a great help.

Free Graphics
A place to find helpful sites for buttons, bullets and bars. This site has links to tutorial sites and a place that you can create your own graphics. It also has a site totally devoted to backgrounds that you can use for signature box as well as for web pages. This page also has a link to sites for building your own home in the cyber world.

Jen and Keith's Place
Was a featured site on Draac's Pick of the week. This site is helpful in learning html as well as having links to other sites. Some of the sites include a transloader, a text colorizer, and a place to create your own banners. This site is easy to use with the sidebar navigation.

Ralph's Forms HTML & Javascript Lessons
This site shows you the various codes you can use when designing your pages. You can be as simple as you want to be or as elegant, depending on what you want to accomplish with your site.

Co§mi××'§ Help Page
This site is good, it has some good hints and tricks of the trade. If you want to learn then check it out.

Jason's Gif Collection
This is a new site that was sent to me. It is very easy to navigate and has good quality gifs and backgrounds. This site even recommends that you go to Draac's School of HTML to learn the codes that you will need to put these gifs and backgrounds onto your email and web pages. Take the time and stop on by.

These are some new HTML sites that I have found. I hope they can help you so please feel free to stop on by and check them out.

HTML Goodies

Advanced HTML Tutorial

Beginner's Guide to HTML

Harvillo's Finest HTML Help

McJeff's HTML 101

Bassem's HTML Tutorial

Creating Basic Web Pages

HTML Pit Stop

Learn HTLM in 7 Easy Steps

Draac's Pick Of The Week

HTML Quick Reference

Leesa's Way of Learning HTML

HTML Tutorial

Webtv Help Pages

Index of more Links

Ray's WebTV World

Master Links

Cheat Sheet

Lady Feline's Home Page

Graphics Guide

If you don't know how to find a URL for a page, a simple way to locate it is to use your info button on your keyboard. However sometimes this will not work. Try this instead press the goto button on your keyboard, move down to the ShowLast button click on it. The URL will appear in the box. Try it for my page and see. One the next page of this site you will find music sites ranging from midis to real audio sites. I hope you enjoy your visit and that these sites will come in handy and helpful for you. To go onto the next page for music click on the image below.