Hamster Ball Stories
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Hamster Ball Stories

I buy my hamster a Ball to run around in. Its runs around the house inthe ball for an hour. Then my cat finds my hamster. The cat studies thehamster, when all of a sudden, the hamster charges for the cat. The catjumps up and my hamster hits the cat so hard, my cat runs for coverinstead of the hamster! Now thats a story :-P

One day I had been out skating and when I got home, I put the skates in myroom. Then I put my hamster Nugget in her Ball. We went out to eat, and Iforgot about Nugget. When we got home, She had popped the lid off the balland escaped. I started looking for Nugget. I went to my room to look, andNugget popped her head out of my skate!! I almost fell over laughingbecause she was in my skate! That's my story.
-Chris Woodard

I have a Dwarf Chinese hamster I named buddy. I got hima ball he can ride in, when we put him in he chases the dog!! It'sreally funny. Another funny thing is that Buddy eats all of our dogscrackers!

One day I put my hammy *Forest* into the hammy ball. I completely forgot he was in there and I went to see if he was sleeping in his cage. When I looked he wasn't there. So, I heard a POW come from the TV and he was on top of it playing with the remote. :)

Yvette's Hamsters

Jacqueline's Hamster Snack Boy

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