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My Info

Here's the QUICKIE version info!

Ok, now about me. (Oh joy...) I am 17 years old and I live in Memphis, TN. I am a senior at Germantown High School. Go Red Devils!!! As you already know, I LOVE X-Files, Beanie Babies, and the Barenaked Ladies.

In school, I am on the swim team and am one of the only backstrokers. At District Finals, I got 5th place for 50 back and 6th place for 100 back. My team was awarded the 2nd place overall trophy at State this year, taking home a 5th place for our girls' 200 free relay, and a 2nd for the 400 free relay. I am in National Honors Society and Beta Club (sorry, gotta brag ^_^ ) I play the clarinet in the Varsity Band, Marching Band, and Pep Band, and we received an almost perfect score at Concert Band Festival in March. I got my license on July 9th and enjoy driving my '99 green Ford Escort everywhere :-)

I have just recently (As in May) gotten into Anime--my very, very favorite being "Dragonball Z." If I'm not thinking, talking, writing, reading, or dreaming about Dragonball Z, I'm either in a coma or dead. :-) I enjoy lots of other anime as well, some favorites include: Fushigi Yuugi, Trigun, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, and Bastard! (although I've seen very little of it, I really like it). Sailor Moon and Pokémon are the americanized anime, but they're not bad. ^_^

I have been in many plays & musicals, including "Oliver!"...."The Music Man"..."Pirates of Penzance"...and "Spies and Dolls." I love Broadway plays, and I have seen some VERY good ones including: "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat," "Grease," "Les Misérables," "Rent," "Miss Saigon," and "Beauty and the Beast." I am always looking forward to seeing some more! I thoroughly enjoy the Star Wars Quadrilogy and Titanic, which are some of my all-time favorite movies. I'm obsessed with The Matrix... it's a VERY good movie (even my parents loved it) and it's very anime-like in originality, quality, and appearance. Anyways, ^_^ I started watching "The X-Files" in early 1994 and have been an avid fan ever since. I started collecting Beanie Babies in October of 1996, and as of right now, I have 237 Beanies in my collection. Thanx to my good friends Becky and Annette, I am totally obsessed with the "Barenaked Ladies." Their catchy tunes are great with wonderful lyrics that actually make you think. I am also a new fan of Semisonic, the band that did the song "Closing Time." Their album "Feeling Strangely Fine" is extremely well done--I highly recommend it.

Well, that is all I can think of for now. Please come back, because I will update often. Feel free to e-mail me & tell me what to improve or just talk about any of the above listed subjects. :-) I'd love to hear from you! And PLEASE don't forget to stop by the X-Files, Beanie, & Barenaked Ladies News Page!
