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Family-Friendly Site

Last updated 2/6/2001

S.C.A. offers you a chance to..


  1. The Official S.C.A. Website
  2. Arms&Armor, 173 +/- links
  3. Nicely priced swords
  4. S.C.A. ARMOR
  5. Rental Armor
  6. Renassiance shopping
  7. Humble knight's castle
  8. Barony of Thor's Mountain
  9. Barony of Grey Niche

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Thank you for stopping by. If you are a weekend warrior and would like to learn things about the S.C.A. organization, the links here should be of some service to you. I joined the Society for Creative Anachronism in the spring of 1995.My persona is a 12th century German mercenary by the name of Wulfgang, and I now live in the Barony of Thor's Mountain(Knoxville). After moving to the Barony of GreyNiche(Memphis) and then back again, I believe I will stay here. If you have any questions concerning the S.C.A. or anything on this page, please feel free to email me. I hope you find some things of interest here.

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ŪRob 2000,2001