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Ouija gives you entertainment you have never experienced. It draws the two people using it into close companionship and weaves about them a feeling of mysterious isolation. Unquestionably the most fascinating entertainment for modern people and modern life. Weird and mysterious. Surpasses in it's unique results, mind reading, clairvoyance, and second sight. It furnishes never failing amusement and recreation for the entire family. As unexplainable as Hindu magic - more intense and absorbingly interesting than a mystery story


1st - Place the board upon the knees of two persons, lady and gentleman preferred. Place heart shaped table in center of board, resting fingers lightly upon the table so as to allow it to move freely and easily. A question may be asked, and in from one to five minutes the table will commence to move, at first slowly, and then faster. As the table passes over the board, a transparent window and pointer in the top indicates each letter of a message as it is received.

2nd - Care should be taken that only one person ask questions at a time so as to avoid confusion.

3rd - To obtain the best results it is important that the person present should concentrate upon the matter in question and avoid other topics. Have no one at the table who will not sit seriously and respectfully. If you use it in a frivolous spirit, asking ridiculous questions, laughing over it, you naturally get undeveloped influences around you.

4th - The Ouija is a great mystery, and none claim to give exact directions for it's management and use, and the Ouija will not work equally well under all circumstances. With reasonable patience and judgement the Ouija will satisfy your greatest expectations.

5th - The board should be kept smooth and free from dust and moisture, as all depends on the ease with which the feet of the table can glide over the surface of the board. Rubbing with a soft dry cloth just before using is advised.


My 1st rule is; "Just because their dead, doesn't make'em wise!" The key to channeling of any kind is to protect yourself from negativity and to ask specificly who you want to speak with. If Aunt Zelda lied through her teeth when she was alive, she probably still will. So try not to take any answers you get too seriously. Gather a board and planchette,(ToysRUs Parker Bros is just fine) at least 1 white candle, matches, appropriate incense, a notebook and pen, and a libation(a clean glass filled with water). Bless the board in any way you like. Even a prayer will do. Get a partner. This is someone you trust as honest and willing to work with you. Decide before you begin, who is reading and who is following. Person with most channeling experience of any kind should read. Sit at a table, light candle and incense. Do this protection spell as follows: (hold hands, eyes closed) Take 3 cleansing breaths and as you exhale let all the stresses of the day leave you for the moment. Relax. Breath in and out normally and with each breath let yourself become more relaxed. Now, imagine that in the center of your body is a candle flame, a glowing white light within that is the essence of you, all that is bright and beautiful and uniquely you. And as you breathe in let each breath feed the flame within and let it glow a little more brightly. Let the light shine out so brightly that the light flows down your legs and into your feet. Send the light there and feel it flow from your center to your feet and back to your center over and over. Then breathe and allow the light to glow even more brightly until it flows up to your chest and headtop. Feel it bathe your heart in a soft glow and flow through your sinuses and throughout your brain. Feel the light flow from your feet to your headtop and your headtop to your feet. Now breathe and let the light expand through your shoulders, down your arms, and out to your fingertips. Let the light flow within every part of your body. Feel your body and wherever there is tension (like your neck or your back) and send some extra white light there. Take a few moments to feel the strength and the goodness of this warm and healing light. Then, allow the centers of the palms of your hands to open so that you can send white light to your partner through your left hand, and receive his white light with your right hand. Feel the light move around the circle in a clockwise direction. After you feel this movement strongly, allow (or stretch) the white light from your bodies to form a sphere of white light around you both, surrounding and including the table. Gently, step-by-step allow your sphere to grow large enough to contain the whole building that you sit in, the whole block that you live on, your whole city, your whole planet, and then push it out to the far reaches of the galaxies as far as you can imagine. This entire sphere is filled with white light and goodness. At the far reaches of this sphere, seal it (like an eggshell) with a thin coating of neon blue light (like a gas flame) for protection. This layer will ward away all that is not of the white light and allow all those that are of the white light to pass through easily. And outside of this layer place one more layer of bright, shiny silvery mirrored thorns sticking out in all directions. Know that if anything evil or negative or not of the white light attempts to enter, they will be pierced by these thorns and their energies sent out into the universe. Say quite directly "We invite all those beings of the white light that may choose to join us to come and share our love and blessings. Talk with us, guide us. Welcome and Blessed Be." Then drop hands and sit close to the board with the planchette on top of it and place your fingertips of both hands on the planchette. Experiment with how each of your hands fit comfortably. I find if I sit side by side with one of us on each side of the planchette but mostly toward the center it works best. Some use only one hand each, particularly if the non- reader is taking notes. Everyone I have ever see begin to use the board gets a series of board "exercises" first. The planchette does arches over and over or it will run from yes to no over and over again. Just let it happen. Adjust your touch until it is quite light, almost like the bow on a violin, together the weight of your hands must be just right or it is too hard for the spooks to move it. Don't give up. Start by asking simple yes and no questions. Get them to spell out their name and once you have that, talk to them directly each time you try. When you are not doing board, use any other meditations or spiritual work to aid you. And like I said in the beginning, don't take any of this too seriously! I find that most of the spooks I have encountered have wonderful senses of humor. When you are finished, it is polite to say thank you, goodbye, and to raise your arms over your head and feel the white light come back to your bodies. Good luck and Blessed Be!


There should be TWO or more people on the Ouija when being used. The addage is "three is a crowed, and four is a bore" hold true when using the Ouija. Three people max is recommended, four is almost to hard to do, and one is not recommended. The Ouija, like video games, can become addictive. One person using the Ouija in small chances, can become a real addict, and fall into a state called "Progressive Entrapment'. This means that the person has used the Ouija so much, that they no longer need the Ouija Board, and have developed their abilities to channel the spirit(s) constantly. This unto itself is not dangerous statistically, but, the chance of the person channeling (Medium) not belng prepared for being a Full Time Medium, can be overcome with high stress, panic, fear, and even develop other problems, from Sleep Disorders, to Eating Disorders. Being a Full Time Medium takes a lot of dedication, hard work, and skill, it is something that is developed over many years and decades, going from a "Ouija User' to a Full Time Medium in a hours time, can be like being thrown into a ocean hundreds of miles from the coast, and told to swim home.

The Ouija Board is a TOOL. Like a wrench, and it can be used as "leverage" when belng used. No matter how many people using the Ouija, there will be only ONE who is a better contact then the others, and will become the "Medium" of the board, this Medium then accepts all responsibility in its use, and the people connected to the Ouija, as well as even the bystanders in the room! When the Medium wishes to end the session, the Medium has the power to do so, and can break all contact. This is the nice thing about a Ouija, the Medium can stop everything. Full time Mediums who do not need the Ouija, are always open and suspect to the spiritual worlds activities.

The Ouija, when used with two people, should be used with a male and a female, preferably ones that have not been smoking, doing any drugs, or drinking, their systems should be free and pure, this will help immensely in the channeling. The board should be placed on the tops of their knees for the best possible contact with the spiritual world. Both should lightly place thelr fingers upon the channeling device, the "planchette". The person that becomes the lead channeler, or the Medium of the board, should remember, that at all times, they should be very conscious of their actual surroundings, and should pay very strict attention to the details of the happenings. The Medium in control of the board, will also be the one that asks the questions. The Medium is in control.

About spirits, they are lousy spellers. They are also impatient a lot of times, as to channel takes a great amount of thelr energy. They are energy, so when they tire out and the energy becomes low, they have a very difficult time trying to communicate. For us, trying to communicate with them, is as hard as it is for them to communicate with us. If a spelled word does not make sense, have the Medium in control ask the spirit if they misspelled the word. I once witnessed a spirit telling a Medium in control of a Ouija in a small town in South Dakota spell out the word M-O-O-V. It made no sense to the people using the Ouija. I caught on, and told them to get away from the table. The planchette was placed on the word "GOODBYE", contact was broke as they all got back from table. Seconds later, a light bulb in the hanging ceiling fan exploded showering the table with glass! Be patient with the spirits, and improvise when they misspell. Some spirits like to lie. I find that this ratio is small compared to the ones that tell the truth, but it is something to keep in mind. I recall an incident were a spirit told the users of the board, that he was 6 years old. Stated he was born in 1954. Later in the session, he stated that he watched with his mom on the TV Nell Armstrong walking on the Moon. I did the math, and asked if he was still alive then. He said yes, that he died a year later. That would have made him 16 years old! When asked how old he was when he died, the spirit gave the answer of 6 again. The planchette was placed over the word "GOODBYE", and contact broken. The keyword here is just be cautious, and be alert.

I also think it would be a good idea here to go into the myths that a lot of people commonly hear about spirits, and sometimes believe without knowing the wiser of their falsity. Most people like to try to contact spirits to see if they can tell the people on the board what is in thelr future. Although spirits, like us, can go into the past, present, and even the slight ahead future of time, that doing so is not usually in a spirits best interest. They are not "prophets", or "Fortune Tellers". They are simply spiritual people. People that wish to communicate. Always remember that a spirit is energy, and a lot of times, in almost all cases, the spirits that contact is made with are not some powerhouse spirit. Their energy is very ill in strength. Therefore, as we have already discussed earlier, possession is not even imaginable from the use of a Ouija. Very rarely, one might encounter a spirit that is somewhat hostile and bitter, and rude. Contact should be broken, and the board put away until another day. Sort of insurance that the spirit has had plenty of time to move on.

Also remember that a spirit communicating through the Ouija to you is doing so on thelr own free will, and they can leave at any time they wish. They can communicate on many levels, in many different forms and languages, the fact they chose to speak to the medium on the Ouija is something to be noted, and care should be taken not to agitate the spirit at all. Just because the spirit is communicating through the Ouija, don't mean that this is the only way they can communicate. When I walk into a room, were a Ouija us being used, most of the time, the boards stop, and the spirits approach me. Their mentality, "why should we burn out on a Ouija Board talking, when we can talk to you, and you can hear us?" Bear in mind as well that spirits when asked of a heaven and or hell's existence, will talk about the place they are at as being very peaceful in most cases, almost like here on earth. This is not a heaven or a hell, it is home.


When I was about 13 years old my friend, her brother, his friend, and I decided to play with the Ouija board one night. We had to make our own using paper and a glass for the planchette. At first we asked the usual "Is there a spirit present." The planchette moved to "yes." He said his name was "H.G.F.," as he would only give his initials. He said he died in a car crash on their road near their house. Then he got extremely mean and said that we must go to the old grave yard down the road and dig him up before all of next birthdays pass or we would die. He told us the exact location of his grave. Then a spirit who called herself "Tracy" came and told him to leave us alone. He then left. The next day we did actually go to the graveyard with their mother. We went to the location and found a grave of a man who's initial were "H.G.F" I have not done the Ouija board since but I have a great interest in it. I wouldn't believe this story if I didn't see it happen!

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