Chapter Thirty-Three....

I was as nervous as nervous could be. It was after intermission and I had just sung my 2 compulsory songs, “You were meant for me” and “Don’t speak” They went okay. Rikki was out on stage singing ‘All Cried Out’ and I was in the wings. I was really nervous. Everything had gone great, especially the grease thing were I got to kiss Aaron who I’m still in love with by the way. He so cool!

“Now from the Julianne Radalski academy of Performing Arts, we have a very talented young lady indeed”

I heard the announcer say. Oh my gosh!!! I’m on!!

“Singing ‘My heart will go on’ the love theme from Titanic- Chloe` Bannick” He said as I walked out. I’d never seen so many people or T.V cameras in my life I was on T.V!! Oh crap!! That didn’t help the nerves. The music began and I began to sing.

“Every night in my dreams, I see you, I feel you, that is how I know you, go on. Far across the distance, and space’s between us, you have come to show you, go on” I sang. It was a little below average. “Near..... Far....... Wherever you are, I believe that the heart does, go on. Once....more, you open the door and your here in my heart and, my heart will go on and on” It was still average, nothing great at all. I began to get even more nervous.

“ Love, can touch us one time, and last for a life time, and never let go until, were gone. Love was when I loved you, one true time, I hold to, in my life we’ll always go on” That part sounded terrible. “ Near......Far......wherever you are, I believe that the heart does go one. Once more, you open the door, and your here in my heart and my heart will go on and on”

Terrible absolutely terrible. It was the instrumental bit now. I looked at Tay and he gave me a ‘What happened’ sort of look. Then I looked at the stage door. Rikki was there smirking at me. I looked at Rikki as the instrumental part was building up, then at Tay, then at Rikki, then Tay, they Rikki.

“This is what you get for trying to steal my best friend” I said to myself , and the results were truly amazing

“You’re here, there’s nothing, I fear . and I know that my heart will go on! We’ll stay, forever this way you are safe in my heart and, my heart will go on and on!!!!!!!!” I sang and it was absolutely amazing. I gave myself Goosebumps. I’d gotten a standing ovation!!!!! Oh my gosh!!!!! The curtain closed and I walked of stage and everyone hugged me.

“That was amazing!!!!!!” Julianne said!!!

“ Brilliant” Aaron said.

“Absolutely Magnificent” Jordana said.

“Thanks” I said

“While the judges are judging. Aaron has a song he’s going to sing, then Jordana will sing, then Amber. So take it away Aaron” Julianne said.

“ This song is by our Hanson, and Its called ‘ I will come to you’” Aaron said, and began to sing. It was beautiful When he sang I will come to you he, pointed to me. Gosh I love him! It finished and Jordana took the stage. Aaron came over to me in my little corner of the room I was in.

“Can I tell you something Chloe`, that song was dedicated to you” He said.

“Your so sweet Aaron”. I said.

“Okay Chloe`. I like you so much its not even funny. I’ve liked you ever since I was 12 and we did grease together, Your the sweetest thing. Your so nice, and fun, and your the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, your caring and, a talented and I love you. So..... I can’t believe that I’m going to ask this. Will you go out with me ?” He asked.

“Yes” I softly said and nodded my head.

“You will!!” He said. I nodded my head.

“You will!!” He said again. “She will, Yes!! YAY!....”He carried on. Then he stopped and came back over to me and put his arms around my neck and slowly kissed me.

Amber started singing this song called Heaven is a place on earth by Belinda Carlise or someone like that, which just made it even more perfect. We were over in the corner making out when, Tay and Addy came in.

“Go Chloe`!” Addy said.

“Hi!” I said.

“Are you two together?” Addy asked.

“Yep”, we both answered.

“That’s great!” Addy cried and hugged me, as Jordana came running in.

“Judges, are ready” she said, “ everyone has to go out the front”.

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